
Friday, November 4, 2011

Press one for English or demand that the U.S. establish our language as English..

    Dear reader,

   Understandably, considering where I am and upon asking for some napkins, the attendant hands me some hot sauce or sour cream.  Yea, I am deployed and most of the folks that work in the food court area are Filipino or another nationality.   I have spoken, or tried to speak English for about 40 plus years now, and feel that I am pretty affluent in this language.  I know the difference between "to", "too" and "two" ; and know that "too" can mean "also" or "and".  80% of Americans speak English, with 95% saying that they speak it well.

   When I was stationed in Germany with the Army, I didn't have to speak Deutsche...I wanted that I could communicate with locals, restaurants and friends.  In Germany, the students there learn English as a second language, as they do in Japan, China, you see where this is going?  English is the common language to conduct business and politics.  It's been overdue about as long as the Electoral College.  America needs to have English recognized at the Federal Level, as our language

   English is the de facto national language of the United States, with 82% of the population claiming it as a mother tongue, and some 96% claiming to speak it "well" or "very well."[3] However, no official language exists at the federal level. There have been several proposals to make English the national language in amendments to immigration reform bills,[4][5] but none of these bills has become law with the amendment intact.

  It is time to tell our Government that we are tired of pressing "1" for English.  Granted, we are a melting pot of nationalities, but when over 80% speak English, and 95% speak it well.....well, it goes without saying.

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