
Monday, November 28, 2011

Congressional slight of hand.....really need your help.

  Hello friends and readers,

  This post applies nearly 100% percent to my American readers, but other readers will enjoy the fact that our Senators like to play little games when it comes to answering specific questions.  I questioned my Senators on the future of the following Bill:

  Bill S-940 purpose was to close tax loopholes for those huge oil companies that saw prices spike in 2008 to around $5.00 a gallon in WA state, yet nationally only around $3.85 a gallon.  Then the companies had the gall to make a video boasting of their more than 8 BILLION in profits.

  The last vote, earlier this year...the measure failed by 2 votes, but it is still in Congress.  I am appealing everyone that reads this...go to  and give the (mostly) Republican Senators a piece of your mind.  As of this writing, I only know that my 2 Senators(D) voted 'Aye' Close the Loopholes....yet, when emailing me back via the opencongress site, it seems they are picking and choosing which emails they want to respond I am appealing your Senators and tell them in no uncertain words, that they will be voted out following the next 'NAY' vote and the Bill gets removed from the rolls.  I cannot do this alone.  I will be emailing my Senators, yet again, and asking the hard questions, yet again.  I hope to have some more of their emailed responses shortly.

  I wish to thank you all for your help, your readership and for taking the time to see what affects us now and in the long term.

Trevor M Dodge

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