
Thursday, November 10, 2011

Time and again.......

Hello friends and readers,

    I should have done this post awhile back, but somehow it takes an individual at the OWS protests to truly get my blood boiling.   Remembering the initial images I saw on the television as I returned home from working night shift:  Seeing a re-play of the first plane striking Building 1 of the World Trade Center in New York, then seeing live footage of the Second plane striking Building Two.  Having been in the military for nearly 10 years at that point, I could only think of one thing;  We were under attack!  I was shocked and stunned, but mostly angered.  How?  Who?  Why?

  Starting with why:   It is because, after certain global conflicts, we felt the need to maintain bases on Arab soil, notably in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait before and after Operation Desert Storm.   At least partially, this is the reason many Muslim nations do not like or trust the United States and fear our motivation.  If you Google 9/11, you will see tens of thousands of links and conspiracy theories.  I do not believe the conspiracy theories, but feel that we would best serve our allies as well as Muslim nations by withdrawing all troops from Arab territories.  This would not be a “tucking tail and running” maneuver , but one that would benefit all sides.  Also,  I would get out of the game of “political oversight” and trying to install a government that is based on what we believe.  Just say “NO” to “puppet governments”.

Now for the who:   We know that most of the hijackers were from Saudi Arabia, and The name Osama Bin Laden had entered the picture soon after the attacks.  While the rest of America was on a “No flight lockdown”,   13 relatives of the Bin Laden family were secreted out of America from Ryan International Airport.  If you Google 9/11 casualties, and get to a respected site, you will find that 2,996 people died in the immediate attack, including the 19 hijackers.  I believe every American was a casualty on that day.

Now for how:   A bunch of guys with a beef with the U.S. got into the country and took flying lessons right here while planning their attack. 

  A brief insight into the video that will be posted below.  There is some cursing, from what may exemplify the protesters in the Occupy Wall Street rallies.   But, remember….in this video, it is only one man’s’ opinion.  So, for your entertainment….a video titled “ 911 9/11’s”  or “ How my name is now global and I should fear for my life “.

  While many in my family have been military….and it was our blood and sweat that allowed people to continue to enjoy the 1st Amenment and their right to free speech, something about this video got my blood boiling, as does any time I see an article about the crazy so called Christian Jonesboro Westboro Baptist Church.

  Would I trample their right to speak freely?  Nope.  Would I use my presidency to afford them more protections than they enjoy?  Nope.  Remember…after watching the video…it was only one guy.  So was Osama Bin Laden, Hitler and Mussolini.  Just saying.  

   I wish to end today’s post again thanking everyone that continues to read my blog.   Everyone is invited to add comments, even if it doesn’t relate to the post.  If you would like to see some specific information, don’t hesitate to ask.  Have a great day!

Trevor M Dodge

1 comment:

  1. WOW... that guy is going to be very 'unpopular' to say it as nicely as possible! I can't believe how he ended his little rant... "My name is Ralph,...God Bless you." WTF!?!??? Really? Is it me or did he seem like he was high or drunk while talking to the camera/interviewer...
