
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The ties that bind....

 Dear friends and readers,

  It is time once again to explain why the U.S. needs to stop giving foreign governments and militaries our hard earned and heavily taxed dollars.  Case in point today is Pakistan.  In the last 10 years, the U.S. has given Pakistan billions of dollars for it's military and it's economy.  How exactly has the U.S. and our allies benefited from all this generosity?  Cross border attacks from Pakistan into Afghanistan and the hiding of Al Qeada leader Osama Bin Ladin for 10 years.  There were more people in Pakistan protesting the killing of Bin Ladin, than those people protesting the fact that that the attack occurred in a sovereign nation or the fact that Pakistan wasn't informed of the raid before hand.

 Up to that point, nearly 85% of Pakistani's hated the U.S.; in general for it's involvement with it's own government to try and root out insurgents between Pakistan and Afghanistan...never mind the billions of dollars.  With the most recent attack...allegedly NATO forces fired on two Pakistani posts, after allegedly receiving incoming fire from those posts..killing 24 Pakistani soldiers.  The fall out from that has already occurred with the closing of supply routes that NATO uses to get get supplies to troops in Afghanistan.  No worries, the supplies will get rerouted through other countries. 

 Now, since nearly the entire country hates America, wouldn't it be a good time to stop giving them money.  Not including reparations for the soldiers that lost their lives....but really.  Pakistan has nothing we want or need, and certainly cannot provide border security, with or without the money we and other nations give them.  

 Just another step  in controlling our roller coaster economy as it stands now.  Must not be too bad since Americans spent $64,000,000,000  ( that billions ) on the day after Thanksgiving.

  Have a great day everyone.....

Trevor M Dodge

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