Hello friends and readers,
After my previous post, I got to thinking....and thinking more. I am multi-lingual, but found that when my friends in Germany spoke fast, it was much harder to understand....and when I was in Ireland and spoke Gaelic, I spoke too fast for the locals to understand. I believe that what we say, especially how we say it, better defines the point we are trying to make. I am hoping to learn new languages....and will always enjoy music.
During my last deployment, way back in 2008, I purchased a CD of Arabic music. It was titled , appropriately enough, 'Arabic Groove '. I learned quickly that although the music was quirky and dance-able, I couldn't understand what they were saying...and it didn't matter. The music on the CD was by various artists and had music from different regions and countries. I am hoping to introduce, maybe for some, something a little different, but with no less meaning. If I create even one extra fan of this music or to my blog....success.
Introducing, by way of www.youtube.com
All three videos were originally culled from the CD 'Arabic Groove'. I listened to it a lot during my deployment in 2008, and after I got home. Definitely worth listening to, even for a moment....but I think once the music starts...well, you will see.
For some who say, "Is this really a presidential blog"? I say, "YES, it is". I have decided that every day cannot be critical, so for today and the previous post, I wrote about music. Have a great day and terrific weekend...starting tomorrow.
Spike likes it, so it has our seal of approval. He is chirping away to it. And, believe me...if he doesn't like something he screeches until I turn it off. ~janie