
Saturday, November 26, 2011

Mega Vacation.....aka Recess.

  Hello friends and readers,

  Just a short post today.  Congress is currently enjoying one of their many 'recesses'.....not so much playing in the sandbox or on the monkey bars where they belong; they are in their home states, meeting with lobbyists or trying to raise cash for their own upcoming elections.  Not likely that I will hear back from them via until they make it back to the Capitol.  I have been emailing them and taking them to task, asking the questions that others only complain about....regarding the Billions of dollars we send to foreign governments so that they will "be our friends".... and such. I am hoping to post some more directional posts showing you exactly where our tax dollars are going, and who controls Congress.  Have a great weekend everyone and I will be back with substantial posts soon!

Trevor M Dodge

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