
Thursday, November 3, 2011

Why the Electoral College Needs to Go.....far away. Part One.

 Hello friends and readers,

   I continue to look forward to 2016, but with as much research as I have been doing, the odds are getting greater…and only due to the one thing that decides an election…the Electoral College.   I know that if I continue with the same passion….and continue to expand on my hopes for immigration, jobs, teaching and schools, among many important subjects that the popular vote will be close at hand in 2016.   Gone will be that idea that that ONE PARTY can solve the woes that we have experienced over the last few decades…instead replaced with the truth that by working together , we can accomplish anything.

   The Electoral College are the 538 “electors” chosen among the states, just prior to the rest of us casting our “popular vote”.  The electors are chosen among party lines, heavily Democratic and Republican with a few Independent.  Electors are free to vote for anyone eligible to be President, but in practice pledge to vote for specific candidates and voters cast ballots for favored presidential and vice presidential candidates by voting for correspondingly pledged electors.[2][3]
Critics argue that the Electoral College is archaic, inherently undemocratic and gives certain swing states disproportionate influence in selecting the President and Vice President. Proponents argue that the Electoral College is an important, distinguishing feature of federalism in the United States and that it protects the rights of smaller states. Numerous constitutional amendments have been introduced in the Congress seeking to alter the Electoral College or replace it with a direct popular vote; however, no proposal has ever passed the Congress.

    Now is the time for America’s voice to be heard.   We must demand that our presidents’ be chosen by popular vote.  It has been tried, but never followed through.  I will follow this post up with more information regarding the Electoral College.  Go to the site below to sign the petition to end the Electoral College system of vote and to allow Americans' votes to be counted.

   Thank you and have a great day,
Trevor M Dodge

1 comment:

  1. The 2nd best way to get this changed is via this site... to contact your representatives and the governor themselves.

    This is the bill that has been shelved since being introduced in February! ANYONE reading this and lives in the USA, PLEASE go to this link and share your opinion on this issue. ESPECIALLY if you want to have the Electoral College abolished! PUT THE VOTE BACK INTO THE PEOPLE's HANDS!
