
Saturday, November 12, 2011

The 99%....or so, give or take

  Hello Readers,

We are going to look a little deeper into the Occupy Wall Street Movement.  One of their themes is that they are the 99%.  I will use some internet finesse and logic to get to the bottom of the truth in that statement.

Number of people in the U.S. :  312,593,000    ( )

Number of Millionaires in the U.S.  :   3,100,000

Percentage of millionaires in the U.S. :   .00991704869 ( Round to 1% )

Using those numbers, there should be around 309,493,000 people at those Occupy Wall Street events….but there isn’t…where are they?

A little over 3 Million of us are in the Active Army or Reserve components and either currently deployed or not.

A little over 13.9 Million are unemployed.  600,000-800,000 are Homeless.

Millions of my retired brothers and sisters aren’t there…..not including the few jokers that spent 2-4 years in the military and think they are now owed the world.

Around 295,593,000 have jobs.   Lets crunch some numbers….I am going to divide the number of unemployed into the number of people that should be at the rally.

The final tally is 22.26 percent.  Creating new jobs as I type…..going to need someone to make new signs, although you won’t need so many as 13 Million.  The Occupy folks can be reached by cell and social networks sites and will likely be found in coffee shops.  Unfortunately, I couldn’t find a picture of the new proposed 22.26% sign for Occupy Wall Street protesters, so we will round it up to, being so generous. 

Have a great day and find a reason to smile!

Trevor M Dodge

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