
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Insider trading...keeping Congress in power

Hello friends and readers,

  That's right....what you or I could go to prison for....insider trading...Congress has been secretly doing for some time. Finally some bills have been introduced in Congress to stop it...alas, these bills have been introduced time and time again since 2006, and failed each time. Here is a link to a brief news story....

  The following link takes you to a site that is easy to navigate, and shows all the bills voted on for a specific year ( from 1989-present ) and who voted 'Aye' or 'Nay'.  Really a worthwhile site, if you are the least bit involved in elections and such.

  Finally,  I will show a recent letter that I sent to one of my Senators this morning.  I hope she replies, or at least has the courtesy to pass my email to all members of Congress....hoping to get lucky and will post their response....if anyone emails me back.

 Hello Senator Cantwell,

I wish to extend my thanks with some of your recent responses via the website. At the same time though, I have additionally asked tougher questions on a broad base of issues and as of yet, have received no response. Perhaps it is the public nature of the opencongress website, or the lack in belief of a transparent Government....either way, I will ask again.

1. Why is it that our Government continues to give millions and billions of dollars to foreign Governments ( specifically Pakistan ) while our own economy falters and our 600-800k homeless are left to fend for themselves?

2. With nearly 50% of congress being you really 'represent' Americans of which 99%, are not.

3. Bad enough you can vote your own pay raise, but are reports now true that you can purchase and trade stocks with impunity?

Please feel free to share this message with your peers. especially if you feel these questions would be better not answered....I am hoping that of our 535 members in Congress, at least one would feel confident and comfortable enough to respond.


Trevor M Dodge
Disenfranchised voter, one of many.

  Here's to the 101st and many more to come.  Have a great day.

Trevor M Dodge

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