
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Insider trading...keeping Congress in power

Hello friends and readers,

  That's right....what you or I could go to prison for....insider trading...Congress has been secretly doing for some time. Finally some bills have been introduced in Congress to stop it...alas, these bills have been introduced time and time again since 2006, and failed each time. Here is a link to a brief news story....

  The following link takes you to a site that is easy to navigate, and shows all the bills voted on for a specific year ( from 1989-present ) and who voted 'Aye' or 'Nay'.  Really a worthwhile site, if you are the least bit involved in elections and such.

  Finally,  I will show a recent letter that I sent to one of my Senators this morning.  I hope she replies, or at least has the courtesy to pass my email to all members of Congress....hoping to get lucky and will post their response....if anyone emails me back.

 Hello Senator Cantwell,

I wish to extend my thanks with some of your recent responses via the website. At the same time though, I have additionally asked tougher questions on a broad base of issues and as of yet, have received no response. Perhaps it is the public nature of the opencongress website, or the lack in belief of a transparent Government....either way, I will ask again.

1. Why is it that our Government continues to give millions and billions of dollars to foreign Governments ( specifically Pakistan ) while our own economy falters and our 600-800k homeless are left to fend for themselves?

2. With nearly 50% of congress being you really 'represent' Americans of which 99%, are not.

3. Bad enough you can vote your own pay raise, but are reports now true that you can purchase and trade stocks with impunity?

Please feel free to share this message with your peers. especially if you feel these questions would be better not answered....I am hoping that of our 535 members in Congress, at least one would feel confident and comfortable enough to respond.


Trevor M Dodge
Disenfranchised voter, one of many.

  Here's to the 101st and many more to come.  Have a great day.

Trevor M Dodge

We are 100 today with nearly 2,300 views.....thank you much!

  Dear readers, family and friends,

 In September of 2011, this blog became reality as my knowledge and understanding of the scope of ills facing near every American at some point and some level.  Some of the posts are informative, and some are funny and I'm afraid I can't help that....if I find something that's not offensive and funny...I share it, even if it's a story of myself.

 I still have about a year until I will take the blog mainstream....would do it now, but would be incredibly difficult to conduct an interview of any sort, while I am over here deployed..which brings me, temporarily to another topic.  I will be heading back to the States here in a while ( not long ) and there will be a disruption in the relative consistency of my posting.  The break may be as short as 3-5 days....and I am keeping my fingers crossed.

 This is my 100th post on this, my only blog. I could tell you a few things that I know so far....such as 1) I will be running as an Independent, but with understanding of both Major parties views..because oddly enough, I agree with some Democratic ideas, and identify with some Republican ideas.  Some ideas are strictly mine....such as thus far having written 14 emails to my Senators from Washington state...either agreeing with their vote...or disagreeing and asking them why in the heck are we still sending Pakistan millions of dollars, while 600-800k Americans are homeless..THIS YEAR.  As of yet, I have received somewhat 'canned' responses to my emails in which I agree, and long drawn out emails when they try to explain their position on votes with which I don't agree....but I have received NO EMAILS in response to the somewhat tougher questions. I asked them if they will garner enough votes to pass the 'Close all tax loopholes for Big Oil' or will just enough Senators vote 'nay' to ensure that they will still collect big money from big oil before their next election.  I also told them that the percentage of millionaires to 'average Americans' was around 1%, and that the percentage of millionaires in Congress was close to 50%...further asking..." Is it possible for a Congress that is near 50% millionaires truly represent ALL Americans"?  As of this writing, I have not received an email back regarding these tough questions.....I'm sure tougher for them, than for us.

  My 100th post and not one iota of my vision has waned....and as I dig deeper to research or find answers, I am learning.  I actually looked through the course curriculum's at Yale and Harvard, and while they, and many high schools have a course titled ' Political Science ' , neither school offered a class titled ' How to be President '.  Additionally, lawyers are book trained on what not to do and why....well I learned morals from my family, and if I'm given a cigar...I'm going to smoke it.  My apologies for dredging up Mr. Clinton's indiscretion.

  For my 100th post...I want to thank you, for reading, correcting and initiating good dialogue.  Thank you much and here's looking forward to the next infinitum. and beyond....oh wait...infinitum is infinity!  All good!

Trevor M Dodge

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

They said it first.... a LONG time ago.......

Dear friends and readers,

  All of the following quotes were copied and pasted from a website that will be included at the bottom of this, and see what our Founding Father's envisioned...and worried most about..

"Of all forms of tyranny the least attractive and the most vulgar is the tyranny of mere wealth, the tyranny of plutocracy" John Pierpont Morgan

"I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our moneyed corporations, which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of strength and bid defiance to the laws of our country." Thomas Jefferson

"I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. As a result of the war, corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavour to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed." Abraham Lincoln

Where an excess of power prevails, property of no sort is duly respected. No man is safe in his opinions, his person, his faculties, or his possessions. James Madison

"All the public business in Congress now connects itself with intrigues, and there is great danger that the whole government will degenerate into a struggle of cabals." -- John Quincy Adams- (1767-1848) 6th US President

The convention which framed the Constitution of the United States was composed of fifty-five members. A majority were lawyers-not one farmer, mechanic or laborer. Forty owned Revolutionary Scrip. Fourteen were land speculators. Twenty-four were money-lenders. Eleven were merchants. Fifteen were slave-holders. They made a Constitution to protect the rights of property and not the rights of man, Senator Richard Pettigrew

“This great and powerful force-the accumulated wealth of the United States-has taken over all the functions of Government, Congress, the issue of money, and banking and the army and navy in order to have a band of mercenaries to do their bidding and protect their stolen property.” Senator Richard Pettigrew

  To find and see more quotes..some from long ago and some more recent then follow this link and see quotes showing what worried many folks, and compare it to what has been happening for the last 100 years...or so. 

  Have a great day all!!

Trevor M Dodge

The ties that bind....

 Dear friends and readers,

  It is time once again to explain why the U.S. needs to stop giving foreign governments and militaries our hard earned and heavily taxed dollars.  Case in point today is Pakistan.  In the last 10 years, the U.S. has given Pakistan billions of dollars for it's military and it's economy.  How exactly has the U.S. and our allies benefited from all this generosity?  Cross border attacks from Pakistan into Afghanistan and the hiding of Al Qeada leader Osama Bin Ladin for 10 years.  There were more people in Pakistan protesting the killing of Bin Ladin, than those people protesting the fact that that the attack occurred in a sovereign nation or the fact that Pakistan wasn't informed of the raid before hand.

 Up to that point, nearly 85% of Pakistani's hated the U.S.; in general for it's involvement with it's own government to try and root out insurgents between Pakistan and Afghanistan...never mind the billions of dollars.  With the most recent attack...allegedly NATO forces fired on two Pakistani posts, after allegedly receiving incoming fire from those posts..killing 24 Pakistani soldiers.  The fall out from that has already occurred with the closing of supply routes that NATO uses to get get supplies to troops in Afghanistan.  No worries, the supplies will get rerouted through other countries. 

 Now, since nearly the entire country hates America, wouldn't it be a good time to stop giving them money.  Not including reparations for the soldiers that lost their lives....but really.  Pakistan has nothing we want or need, and certainly cannot provide border security, with or without the money we and other nations give them.  

 Just another step  in controlling our roller coaster economy as it stands now.  Must not be too bad since Americans spent $64,000,000,000  ( that billions ) on the day after Thanksgiving.

  Have a great day everyone.....

Trevor M Dodge

Monday, November 28, 2011

Congressional slight of hand.....really need your help.

  Hello friends and readers,

  This post applies nearly 100% percent to my American readers, but other readers will enjoy the fact that our Senators like to play little games when it comes to answering specific questions.  I questioned my Senators on the future of the following Bill:

  Bill S-940 purpose was to close tax loopholes for those huge oil companies that saw prices spike in 2008 to around $5.00 a gallon in WA state, yet nationally only around $3.85 a gallon.  Then the companies had the gall to make a video boasting of their more than 8 BILLION in profits.

  The last vote, earlier this year...the measure failed by 2 votes, but it is still in Congress.  I am appealing everyone that reads this...go to  and give the (mostly) Republican Senators a piece of your mind.  As of this writing, I only know that my 2 Senators(D) voted 'Aye' Close the Loopholes....yet, when emailing me back via the opencongress site, it seems they are picking and choosing which emails they want to respond I am appealing your Senators and tell them in no uncertain words, that they will be voted out following the next 'NAY' vote and the Bill gets removed from the rolls.  I cannot do this alone.  I will be emailing my Senators, yet again, and asking the hard questions, yet again.  I hope to have some more of their emailed responses shortly.

  I wish to thank you all for your help, your readership and for taking the time to see what affects us now and in the long term.

Trevor M Dodge

Sunday, November 27, 2011

27th of November 2011

Dear friends and readers,

  It's been a flurry of activity the last couple  Not talking about Washington DC.  I am hoping to bring on board a friend, who has a peculiar way of explaining things, but well worth hearing.  I have figured out a way that mainstream America can identify the folks in Congress that are actually working for them.  Decals.  You the race car drivers wear on their uniforms.  The decals for the Democrats will be from Marlboro and Exxon and the decals for the Republicans will be from small business and the self employed.  I am hoping to break this concept down a bit, even if it won't mature to fruition.

  A flawed program that the Government began a while back :  The free cell phone program.  This is a program that gives free cell phones and "free" airtime for persons on Government assistance.  What isn't told to persons is that their hard working neighbors will see an extra "excise" tax on their phone bill to pay for those airtime minutes.  Do the 70% of non legal residents in Texas need cell phones...maybe to call family in Mexico and tell them how easy it is to enter the U.S. and get all kinds of "free" stuff. 

  This kind of wasteful spending and unfair taxes for the average worker must end.  As it is...we are taxed when we are born, and taxed on a myriad of things for our entire life, only to have our families pay a tax when we die.

  More on these topics later....Thank you all!

Trevor M Dodge

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Mega Vacation.....aka Recess.

  Hello friends and readers,

  Just a short post today.  Congress is currently enjoying one of their many 'recesses'.....not so much playing in the sandbox or on the monkey bars where they belong; they are in their home states, meeting with lobbyists or trying to raise cash for their own upcoming elections.  Not likely that I will hear back from them via until they make it back to the Capitol.  I have been emailing them and taking them to task, asking the questions that others only complain about....regarding the Billions of dollars we send to foreign governments so that they will "be our friends".... and such. I am hoping to post some more directional posts showing you exactly where our tax dollars are going, and who controls Congress.  Have a great weekend everyone and I will be back with substantial posts soon!

Trevor M Dodge

Friday, November 25, 2011

The Dream Part One

Hello friends and readers,

  While for many it is the day after Thanksgiving, it brings the celebration of ‘Left Overs”…meaning turkey sandwiches for a week and side dishes such as stuffing and cranberry sauce are eaten generously.

  I dreamt last night.  You will understand this better knowing that no one from the Senate has emailed me back; at least those representing me from Washington State, in regards to the Bill to Abolish the Electoral College.   Maybe it’s the wording of the Bill that is confusing to them.  In proper speak, the Electoral College is actually the College of Electorates….and no, they don’t have a football team. 

  In my dream, I saw more  clearly why my Congress would never pass such a Bill.  Follow me now….the Senate and Congress have been bipartisan for as long as we have had a Congress.  Meaning Democrat or Republican.  Congress knows, that with the College of Electorates in place, there will be one of two choices for president ( regardless of popular vote )…either Democrat or Republican.

  Congress knows that they can keep such a president under ‘lock and key’ and hold them hostage with their votes…thus changing the course of votes.

  In my dream, I saw what would happen if an ‘Independent’ became president.  Congress would be clueless knowing how to reign in a free thinker.  A president that was no longer to be ‘bent’ one way or another.  With a president they can’t control, gone will be their iron grip of the masses.  Non effective votes and the tie of Big Business to Congress would be cut. 

  In the dream I saw there was a lot of work yet to go….to have our votes count, the only way is to abolish the electoral college, and the only way to do that is to contact our representatives in Congress…and to keep contacting them.  Visit and contact your representatives.  I am going to contact them again and try to draw them out….to definitively say ‘Aye’ or ‘Nay’ and explain, in their words…why. 

  Have a great day and terrific weekend!!

Trevor M Dodge

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving 2011 Part Two

Dear friends, family and readers,

  Time for the lighter side of Thanksgiving through pictures and video.

What would Thanksgiving be without some fun….some humor and the occasional food fight?   Ah yes…..the missed times for sure. 

From  Adam Sandler "Thanksgiving song"

Actually an Ecard from  "Dueling Banjos"

Got this food fight from as well....ours were never quite this......uh...messy.

Have a fantastic Thanksgiving day everyone!!

Trevor M Dodge


   Dear friends, family and readers,

 Today is a special day in the United States…Thanksgiving.   A time when families get together and share good food and good memories.  It is no less a special day even if I am not able to participate.  I am with my family always, in their hearts, as they are in mine.  Today’s post will highlight some things I am thankful for…not only today, but every day.  Also, I am ecstatic to make mention of a music and dance troupe called Georgian Legend ( but more about them later ).

  I am thankful for my family…strong and supportive, whether I am near or very far away.  I am thankful for my wife…she is my “rock”, the wind beneath my wings and the air that sustains me.  I am thankful to have served alongside so many terrific soldiers during the last 19 years, often deploying and making it back home safely. I am thankful to have good health and vitality.  I am thankful, to be able to find laughter, when there is nary reason to laugh.  I am thankful for having vision, clarity and purpose.  Last, but not least, I am thankful for you…the readers of my blog and my friends worldwide.

  Does anyone remember ‘River Dance’?   I remember the day I sat and watched them on T.V. for hours….it was before they became mainstream, and the video ( V.H.S. ) was being sold through television ads.  I had never seen anything so beautiful and with meaning.  It didn’t take long before the lead dancers ego became bigger than the show…and eventually, there was no more song and dance such as I first saw years ago.

  While checking out ‘dancing’ on , I came across a troupe of dancers from Georgia ( the country, not the state ) and clicked on the video.  What I saw was so well done that I must include them, as something I am thankful for…..Georgian Legend.  The link will take you to the site of their newest show: SAMAIA.

  I am hoping to add a video from Youtube, so you can see what I saw…..stunning!! 

 This video from .com features the Georgian Army and the Georgian Legend short video.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving or just a wonderful day, whether in the States or abroad, at home or at work!! 

Trevor M Dodge

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

H.R. 1164 National Language Act 2011, Sen. Murray responds

 Hello friends,

  Here is a another email that was in response to my inquiry from regarding the upcoming vote on H.R. 1164. It's passage would finally give America an actual language instead of an implied one.

My email to Congress:

H.R.1164 National Language Act of 2011
I am writing as your constituent in the 6th Congressional district of Washington. I support H.R.1164 - National Language Act of 2011, and am tracking it using, the free public resource website for government transparency and accountability.

As an American and soldier, I can only say that passage of a bill or amendment of this sort is long over due. World wide for business and commerce, English is the dominant language spoken. Also, as listed in the language of the document, it would not hinder those who already speak or wish to learn a foreign language. As a multi-linguist myself, I urge passage of this Act.

Trevor Dodge
SSG, US Army

 Senator Patty Murray's response:

Response from Senator Murray

Dear Mr. Dodge:

Thank you for contacting me regarding H.R.1164, the National Language
Act of 2011, which is currently pending in the United States House of
Representatives. I appreciate knowing your views on this matter.

In the Senate, this legislation would fall under the jurisdiction of the
Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee, on which I serve.
Please be assured that I will be following the progress of this bill and
will keep your views in mind if this or related legislation comes before
this committee for consideration.

Again, thank
you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me.

  Thoughts:   The response doesn't exactly scream "YES", we will pass this bill...but in any case, it is good to know someone is listening.  Have a great day everyone!

Trevor M Dodge

Monday, November 21, 2011

The use of drones….

Dear friends and readers.

 Thanks to the A.C.L.U. ( American Civil Liberties Union ) and other extreme left leaning individuals, our current president and government are still catching flack over the killing of U.S. citizen Anwar al-Awlaki in Yemen.

  My question to anyone in the A.C.L.U.    How many Americans have to die before it’s considered ‘ok’ to kill an American citizen”?

  An F.B.I. investigation into Nidal Malik Hasan ( the Ft. Hood shooter)*
Revealed at least 18 emails between Anwar and Nidal….EIGHTEEN!  That alone should have raised red flags, banners and prompted action long before the Major shouted “ Allahu Akbar “ and opened fire on troops that had previously returned from a deployment, wounding 43 and killing 13. 

*  In Wiki and other articles he is called the "alleged shooter" I offer him no doubt to the commiting of his crime.

  Shortly after the shooting, Anwar al-Awlaki posted the following on his blog:

Nidal Hassan is a hero.... The U.S. is leading the war against terrorism, which in reality is a war against Islam..... Nidal opened fire on soldiers who were on their way to be deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan. How can there be any dispute about the virtue of what he has done? In fact the only way a Muslim could Islamically justify serving as a soldier in the U.S. army is if his intention is to follow the footsteps of men like Nidal.
The fact that fighting against the U.S. army is an Islamic duty today cannot be disputed. No scholar with a grain of Islamic knowledge can defy the clear cut proofs that Muslims today have the right—rather the duty—to fight against American tyranny. Nidal has killed soldiers who were about to be deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan in order to kill Muslims. The American Muslims who condemned his actions have committed treason against the Muslim Ummah and have fallen into hypocrisy.... May Allah grant our brother Nidal patience, perseverance, and steadfastness, and we ask Allah to accept from him his great heroic act. Ameen.[144][145]

  At what point does Anwar deserve protection under the Articles of the U.S. Constitution?  My point here is he doesn’t.  In other investigations, Anwar’s name came up in a dozen terrorism plots in the U.S., Canada and the U.K.

  If everyone could do one thing to help our government out, it would be to not judge them harshly in this case….another thing would be to go to the A.C.L.U. website and give them a piece of your mind….Civil Liberties are one thing, protecting a terrorist is another.  The A.C.L.U. has grown too big for their own britches, and in trying to protect one, they offend everyone else.  Thank you friends and readers.

  I, for one, support the use of drones, in taking out terrorists, no matter who they are….if they plot against the U.S. or our Allies, they are targets.

Have a great day and find a smile in your journey!

Trevor M Dodge

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Press "1" for English.....or what?

  Dear friends and readers,

  It is time and the time is now.  There are currently several resolutions roaming around Congress that call for an amendment to declare ( finally ) that English should be our National  language.  I went to and gave them my 2 cents worth. I am multi-linguistic and I am all for this Act.  Here is a link to the letter I sent to my representatives:

  I have also contacted Senator Maria Cantwell (D) from Washington State personally by email.  If others from Washington want to let your voice be heard, here is a link to reach her office:

  I am hoping that all my friends and family in Washington are getting pro-active, and that others in the United States are doing the same...and contacting their "so called" representatives.  This is not Wall Street.....this is Main Street USA.  Thank you everyone for sharing this blog.  

Trevor M Dodge

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Comments welcome……

Hello friends and readers,

   I have always endorsed comments and suggestions from those who read my blog and still encourage it….with exception.  I had to delete a comment recently.  I would have copied it and pasted it here for all to see, but that was likely the writers intent.  Their comment had absolutely nothing to do with the post in which they commented, nor my blog in general.  They tried to use my blog as a podium for…their ideals, their beliefs and, above all…their rant.

  I believe that comments, thus far, have helped me ( especially when I attributed a mistake to the wrong candidate ), but also help the readers, as long as the comment is relevant.

  With that being said….FEEL FREE TO COMMENT!   Have a great day!

Trevor M Dodge

Friday, November 18, 2011

Congress Approves Veterans Jobs Bill 2011

  Hello friends,

   I am going to start this blog with my least favorite joke.
     Q:  Why did the chicken cross the road?
     A:   To get away from Colonel Sanders ( Duh )….

   From the Stars and Stripes:     Following the 422-0 House vote, House Veterans Chairman Jeff Miller, R-FLA, who authored much of the legislation, called the measure “a major victory for veterans that will help hundreds of thousands of veterans who are currently unemployed”.

  Wait a minute, never mind the fact that after this deployment I will be unemployed, but Congress actually doing something that appeals not only to veterans but Americans in general? 

  Less than two months ago, if given a choice between who they trusted more; either a Congressperson or a lawyer jailed for contempt of court…..most Americans would have picked the lawyer.  The last few years, Congress has been doing some very unappealing things….big bank bailouts….auto industry bailouts… to reaffirm that “In God We Trust” is still our nations motto….really.  Glad to inform you that the vote passed, and indeed, “In God We Trust” is still our National motto.

  Don’t get me wrong, I really would love to be able to get a job when I get home….but I have options.  I will get a job, possibly even before I get home.

1.      New word for today:  Posturing:  Behave in a way that is intended to impress or mislead others.

As much as I would like to believe that the vote was unanimous because Congress cares about their troops ….I have a feeling that they voted as such due to upcoming elections…and an attempt to regain some respect and trust.

  Wait a minute…unanimous?  422-0…..there are 435 Representatives in the House, not 422.  In the Senate the vote was 94-1…..what it appears, as of this writing, is that 13 Reps and 5 Senators abstained.  They may have been the smart ones….time will tell.

  I will end this post with my favorite joke.

    An Imam, a Rabbi and Catholic Priest walk into a bar.  The bartender looks up and says, “ Is this some kind of joke”?

  Have a terrific day everyone!

Trevor M Dodge

Thursday, November 17, 2011

A Senators response via

 Special Edition :  This is an exact copy and paste of my email to and a response from Senator Maria Cantwell (D) Washington State regarding current Immigration Reform ( proposed ).

S.6 Reform America's Broken Immigration System Act
I am writing as your constituent in the 6th Congressional district of Washington. I support S.6 - Reform America's Broken Immigration System Act, and am tracking it using, the free public resource website for government transparency and accountability.

I support this Act, except for the wording in the title. The last thing we need to hear is "reform" this, "reform" that. Immigration needs to be revamped totally so that those who want to come here legally may, and those who want to just come here and reap the benefits and fruits of many years of hard working Americans labor....CANNOT.

Thank you for your time.

Trevor Dodge



From the Office of Senator Cantwell

Dear Mr. Dodge, 

Thank you for contacting me regarding immigration reform. I appreciate
hearing from you on this important matter. 

I believe that Congress should continue working to deliver comprehensive
immigration reform. Major religious denominations, law enforcement
leaders, the labor movement, business owners, civil rights leaders,
economists and a majority of Americans agree that our current
immigration system is broken. Immigration reform is vital to getting
our economy moving again and is crucial to farms and businesses across
Washington State and the country. 

Comprehensive immigration reform should prioritize our nation's security
by bringing undocumented immigrants out of the shadows and requiring
them to register with the government, undergo background checks, study
English and pay taxes.
Any policy changes must improve border
enforcement and address the labor shortages in the fields of agriculture
and technology. Employers must abide by fair labor standards and
respect the rule of law in the workplace, and all workers should be
paying their fair share of taxes. 

I also believe that protecting our nation's borders and ports should be
one of our highest priorities. The 111th Congress increased U.S. Border
patrol funding by $400 million over a two-year period, and in the last
decade, the budget of the Border Patrol has more than tripled. Most
recently, Congress supported these activities with the passage of an
emergency supplemental border security appropriations package in August
2010. This packages increased resources for border personnel and
surveillance equipment. 

On September June 22, 2011 Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ) introduced the
Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2011 (S. 1258). This
legislation increases resources for border patrol personnel, border
technology improvements, and expands the State Criminal Alien Assistance
Program to cover additional criminal justice costs sustained by local
governments. The legislation also mandates the use of an employment
verification system for all employers within five years and creates a
new fraud-resistant Social Security card. 

With respect to immigration, this legislation addresses the processing
delays for green card applications and allows graduates of the science,
math, and engineering fields to apply for permanent residency
immediately. It also incorporates existing legislation such as the
DREAM Act (S. 592), the Uniting American Families Act (S. 821), and the
AgJOBS proposal for seasonal agriculture workers. Lastly, it would
provide a path to legalization for non-criminal undocumented immigrants
living in the United States since June 1, 2011. S. 1258 is currently
pending in the Senate Committee on the Judiciary. 

On June 14, 2011, Representative Lamar Smith (R-TX) introduced the Legal
Workforce Act (H.R. 2164), which would require all U.S. employers to
participate in E-Verify. This legislation was referred to three U.S.
House Committees (Judiciary, Education and Workforce, and Ways and
Means), where it is currently awaiting further review. 

E-Verify is an internet-based pilot program operated by the United
States Customs and Immigration Service and the Social Security
Administration. This program allows employers to determine whether
their employees possess proper authorization for lawful employment. As
of January 22, 2011, over 244,000 employers nationwide were registered
as participants of this voluntary program. 

Under current law, it is illegal for an employer to knowingly hire an
undocumented employee. By improving employment verification and
enforcement techniques and opportunities, E-Verify was established to
provide a simpler and more streamlined way to ensure a legally
documented workforce. The 2010 Department of Homeland Security
Appropriations Act extended voluntary E-Verify through September 30,

Thank you again for contacting me to share your thoughts on this matter.
Please be assured that I will keep your thoughts in mind if I have the
opportunity to consider E-Verify or immigration reform legislation in
the U.S. Senate. You may be interested in signing up for my periodic
update for Washington State residents. If you are interested in
subscribing to this update, please visit my website at . Please do not
hesitate to contact me in the future if I can be of further assistance.
Maria Cantwell
United States Senator

For future correspondence with my office, please visit my website at

  Lots of information here and not a "copy and paste" job on her part. I have received 3 emails from her office and, as of yet, none from Senator Patty Murray or Rep. Norman Dicks.  I will email her again shortly.  Remember the highlighted portion up there , about 7 question is this.." Why have them study English, since America has no Official Language"?   Any way, that's all for now.  Thanks everyone!

Trevor M Dodge

Military cuts? Try this first………

Hello friends, family and readers,

   I met my first “civilian contractor” in Croatia in 1997.  That year, I was driving a PLS M-1075 between Croatia and Bosnia.  On our return trips we would stop to get fuel.  The guy that pumped the fuel was a civilian contractor.  Odd that a civilian would be pumping our fuel, when each military service has personnel that are certified through State and Federal courses to do just that.  The difference?  A soldier fueling our vehicles would have cost the Government and taxpayers around $2,700 per month ( depending on years in service ).  The contractor was being paid just a fuzz over $11,000 a month, with $70,000 of his years’ salary being tax free.  That was in 1997.

This link provides information on the M1075 PLS :

  There are many civilian companies that provide “support” services to the military.  A few that I can think of at the spur of the moment are:  Brown and Root, Halliburton and Black Water ( who later changed their name to try and change their image after an unsightly incident in Iraq ).

Link for Brown and Root:
Link for Halliburton:     Subsidy of Kellogg Brown and Root
Link for Black Water: *
     *  Apparently they are back….

  With the amount of money that is funneled to these and several other “consulting firms”, small countries could be bought and hunger in America could be eradicated.  If we recouped all the unnecessary funds, we wouldn’t have to shelve programs for the elderly or prescription plans for the poor.  I hope more folks will help me lead the way to getting Government out of this particular “business”.

Have a great day!

Trevor M Dodge