
Sunday, October 23, 2011

American Immigration: Legal or not, here we come

Hello friends,

   Immigration in America started as far back as 1492.  Considering that there were less than four million people by 1790, immigration wasn’t that big an issue and was even encouraged.  The US is accurately described as a melting pot, having the most diverse population of any nation.

  Many of our great, great and even greater grandparents likely arrived by boat.  My lineage can be traced to Ireland and Germany, with a touch of English.   Back in the early days of immigration, folks could become “naturalized” by joining the military or performing some other task.  They learned English, and literally helped build the America we see today.

  It is a little easier to track folks coming in by boat or plane…there is usually a manifest that lists passengers.  What is harder is keeping track of people crossing the 2,000 mile border to the South.  Granted, there are some who absently work through the expiration date on their work or student visa..while there are others that have no intention of truly wanting to become an American…they only want what America has to offer.  They are industrious and work for less than National wages, and being paid in cash, send much of it back to their home country.  Even though the facts vary somewhat..between 40-71% of illegal immigrants receive Federal relief ( Welfare, Food Stamps, Social Security ).

  I believe in lawful immigration.   I would propose a moratorium on immigration.  One year.  Not necessarily halting immigration, but taking stock in what we have.  I would make an offer to illegal immigrants.  They can pay taxes, like an American….I will digress for a second here; due to the past recessions and tax credits…nearly half of all Americans pay no federal taxes…will do a separate post on that.  Getting back to immigration.  While immigrants work for less pay, they work “under the table” and collect their pay in cash, paying no taxes…of any kind.   I have been paying Federal tax and Social Security tax since 1985….and there is a chance it won’t be there when I reach eligible age to collect.  The changes don’t need to be drastic, they just need to be real.  If the tide of illegal immigration from Mexico can’t be stemmed, I would help the border states to build the fence ( that has been an “on again/off again” venture). 

  Ending today’s post on a positive note:  If you would like to come to America, legally…then visit this site.

  Hope you had a great weekend!!   See you tomorrow.

Trevor M Dodge

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