
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Congressional approach to earmark reform.....

Hello friends and readers,

 It came to my attention today that a vote that recently passed in the Senate, was in fact riddled with 'earmarks'...extra pork that I have posted about before.  Legislation has been passed in recent years to try and reform the habit of introducing such "pork" into bills before the final vote.

 Apparently, our Senate leaders and some junior senators introduced over 800 million dollars of 'earmarks' into the most recent Defense Bill.  Following is a letter that I emailed to my Representatives in Washington State.

S.1867 National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012
I am writing as your constituent in the 6th Congressional district of Washington. I oppose S.1867 - National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012, and am tracking it using, the free public resource website for government transparency and accountability.

I am guessing that this is the bill with 75 earmarks from Democrats and a handful from Republicans totaling around 115 earmarks and over $800,000,000 dollars. Close? So much for earmark reform as the House and Senate continue to ply their trade. I didn't see any specific earmarks for soup kitchens or to create new jobs. Don't worry though, I will be posting the names of those "representatives" that added the pork to my blog. Sad to hear some of the junior senators won't get a chance for a second term. Until you stop doing for yourself and do the job you swore an oath to will get no quarter from me. Good riddance.

Additionally, quit letting your lackeys write me back..either do it yourself or don't bother. What a waste the 112th Congress truly has become.

Trevor Dodge

 What is funny about the above that Senator McCaskill (D) calls out Republicans for the entirety of earmarks submitted and never mentioned that 75 of the 'earmarks' were added by Democrats.  I am hoping to find the trail, so that we, as informed voters, can assure that these Senators to not enjoy a 2nd term, 3rd term or whatever the case may be.

  Useful news is good news.  Have a great day everyone.


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