
Monday, December 12, 2011

Dec 12 2011, 2033 hrs

  Hello again friends and readers,

  My 'recess' didn't last too long.  I had a lot on my mind...among them, leaving for school soon and redeploying, voter apathy and how best continue this blog in a meaningful direction without losing readers and before I am able to delve into the big topics that define a candidate.  First things first.

  As disappointing as it is, although not unexpected...I have not received emails back from my legislators or the president.  Seems that the emails I received from the Democrats that supposedly "represent" my state; all they tended to say was..." it's the fault of Republicans ".  No substance and no....yarbles.  Sorry for the cryptic Clockwork Orange verbiage.  Just not sure how folks would take it if I said the Dem's have no balls....oops.  In the correspondence I have had with Republicans....blaming the Democrats isn't the first thing they say.  Getting back to my point...since I have not received emails back, I am going to start contacting foreign Governments later this week.  I am not going to press them full court by any means...I only want to establish some communication with them..and if that works out alright, then I will bring up the fact that I am running for president in 2016.  Depending on what's emailed, I will gladly share it.  Nothing better than foreign relations...right?

 Figuring out why voters are so lax in contacting their "representatives".  That has me puzzled.  As an Army guy who had his pay withheld twice this year, I can count on one hand how many guys in my unit have contacted their reps for one thing or another.  Certainly, the Senators and Representatives can ignore us if only a few write or email.  What would it take to get more people involved?  I really don't have the answer for that...I have added links to sites in which they can be reached in less than 5 clicks.  Very few are taking the initiative to take charge of their lives and the direction of their government...and passing that information on to their friends.   If we fail to get their attention....well, it doesn't look good.  I encourage everyone again to go to to see what your representatives are doing in Congress...or rather, what they are not doing.

  Will be posting about 5 posts a week until I leave for school later this month...after that it will be up in the air, and will post when I can.  Have a great day.

Trevor M Dodge

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