
Saturday, September 10, 2011

September 11th , we shall never forget

  This morning we ran. We ran 3 miles with our individual assigned weapons. I hadn't properly hydrated the night before, and struggled during the run....but I finished. The run itself didn't remind me of today, and it's significance in world events. On that most terrible day, I finished work and returned home to see the second showing of the first plane strike....then, after yelling to my mother Katy, that the United States was under a terrorist attack, I sat in stunned silence watching the TV. As terrible as it was, I couldn't look away. The images of the planes strikes, the fires, the innocent people jumping out of windows in the face of certain fiery death. The images of the Fire Fighters, and INTO the burning buildings to save those who they didn't know....and never returning. Honestly, all I need to do to remember that fateful day is close my eyes. I pray for the fallen on that day and every soldier that has given the ultimate sacrifice. Bless you America and all my friends.

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