
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Jobs...America needs them, but who has them?

    It was obvious awhile back, that companies were tightening their belts and laying folks off by the thousands. Not only the huge faceless corporations, but smaller companies too.  We need jobs, but who has them?  I can think of nearly 11 million jobs in the U.S.....but, alas, they are taken and most Americans would opt to do anything else other than pick fruit or do janatorial work.  Just saying...there are jobs out there.  Instead of borrowing more money, to try and create jobs for a select few, or find ways to allow corporations to squeeze past tax laws...yet again, we should really see what other options are on the table.  I can think of several thousand jobs that would be created....just by telling companies in the U.S. that their service reps will be in the U.S., and their 24/7 techs, will be in the U.S.  Nothing has been more aggravating to me than calling a 1-800 number for tech support, and having someone on the other end of the line, who is thousands of miles from me and can barely string 3 words together without me asking for them to "say that again".   America needs to take ownership of itself.  The jobs are out there.....but with seemingly endless unemployment or welfare, who's looking?  


  1. Excellent points, Trevor. Jobs and Education are two of my "hot topics".

    On the job issue: I have two neices who were both working in the same type of job, but different companies. Both were laid off within a week or so of each other.

    The first one, who didn't grow up in a privileged life style, had a job in her same field within a week. The job paid the same, but had better benefits.

    The other one, who I dearly love as much as the other one, was raised as a spoiled brat given anything she ever wanted. She went on unemployment until she got caught up in that month or 6 weeks were they didn't extend it. She didn't even look, saying she: "wanted to spend some time with her kids." And, she got almost as much on unemployment and with other state benefits as she would have working. When the unemployment stopped...she had a job within a week, making the same as she was before, and with just as good, if not better benefits.

    It just goes to show...the jobs are out there, you just have to make looking for a job a full-time priority or job in itself.

    Also, a local TV/radio station started a program with local businesses to "hire one more". You would be surprised the amount of jobs that became available once companies saw the amount of good and free publicity they got.

    I love your idea of bring customer service and other jobs back to the USA. There was a segment on one of the news shows recently that a company who had gone to China for manufacturing of their products, are finding that they can make them just as inexpensive in the USA, and have better quality assurance. With the costs of shipping, etc. going up, it was better to have their product made in USA!

    There lots of food for thought on these subjects!

  2. Thank you for the comment...having a brother that has been teaching long enough to have earned his Doctorate, he is constantly spending $3,000 a year, if not more for items for his class...from modeling clay and paints to basics ( pencils and pens ). When Wa instituted a LOTTO, a mojority of the profits were to go to schools. As I have seen on documents that are public...less than 5% of Lotto proceeds make it into the school. Additionally, college books are out of control...over $500 for some texts new, and cannot be sold for near that even when used for 1 quarter. You have given me food for thought and my next blogs will expose the lotto in regards to education. Thanks again!!

  3. Majority....not enough coffe today....ha ha ha.
