
Saturday, September 17, 2011

Will DONATE 25% of pay , as president...will Congress?

  You heard it here first.... I aver, or avow, a full 25% of my pay as president will go towards VA support and my local communities Food Banks ( Thurston and Mason Counties in WA ).  The only exception would be if Congress held my pay as they have in the past as a soldier. I dare, no I DOUBLE DARE, any member of Congress to donate 25%  of their pay. I would be amazed if even ONE of them offered to donate 5% to their local community.  Spread the word folks, there is a new kind of leadership coming along that is going to put politicians to task. I will lead the way, where others have dared not trod. I will give til it hurts and still pay taxes myself. No one, I repeat, NO ONE, is above the law. Please share this blog with friends and family....let's share it with the world. Imagine a leader that cares more for people than his share of Big Oil, or how well the autobiography will sell. Let's get the ball rolling!!!  I can't wait to hear their response.....more likely to hear crickets chirping.    I forgot to add earlier, that I will continue to donate, even after presidency.  It is so difficult to see so much money leaving our country as our poor suffer and our hungry suffer.  Help me help them and re-post if you believe!  Thank you all!

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