
Friday, September 30, 2011

Future posts.....Photos of where I have been and would like to visit!

  I am looking forward to tomorrow with great anticipation....  in upcoming posts I will be including some pictures of places I have been ( with some notes to explain the photo ) and in other posts...places I would like to visit. I would love to see the architecture in Russia, notably, St. Petersburg ( Sankt-Peterburg ) and meet the terrific people there.  See you all tomorrow...with a new city, state or country!!!  

De-ranged, Watch out October..... here we come.

   Happy end of September for all my friends.  Deranged would be a good title for a political blog, but has to do more with the fact that my Battalion completed it's weapon training and we are off the range ( hence, de-ranged )....ha ha.  Going to finish out the month with a big thank you to my wife, family and friends that continue to offer words of support.  Also a big thank you to my friends in Europe and beyond that read my blog, and maybe pass it along....if for no other reason except to see what happens..... Have a great start to October!!!!!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Facing weakening support among Hispanics.....immigration reform is top priority.

   Title almost sounds like a skit for SNL.  Not necessarily twisting the truth, but telling each demographic what they want to hear.  Would love to hear some comments from our Canadian immigrants.  They are the other country that abuts the United States.  Are there not so many that they should be included into  I will at least be honest.  I am not against LEGAL IMMIGRATION. This leads me directly into current abuses of WELFARE.  Too much to write, but only so much I am allowed to safely say.  This Blog will burst forth on the day I retire....1 MAY 2013.  I want to thank everyone that continues to view my posts.  I encourage your comments....

Congress reaches last minute delay vote for 6 weeks...really?

   Here we go,  at issue are finances for disaster relief within our borders and veteran programs.  After a third near miss ( complete government shutdown ), our Congress agreed to have another vote in 6 weeks.  Who is running the show?  Does Congress own the president?  Obviously, with their "popularity" waning...dipping ever further into the pit of no return, Congress holds the finances that could have helped folks that experienced hurricane Irene or Lee, or the tornado that hit Joplin, MO.  Also, hanging by a thread is money designated for VA programs and retirement benefits.  When is enough, enough?  Who else will yell with me?  WE WON'T ACCEPT THIS!!!!   All the while, the U.S. is sending millions of dollars to Israel....for some reasons, and to some Arab countries ( in hopes they won't attack Israel ), and even more countries in hopes to stem the drug problem.  Time is now to tell the Congressional leaders that they are DONE!! Opportunity to vote them out ( at least 33 of them ) will be November 6th, 2012.  Hope you all will cast your votes!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Congress Bickers in Shadow of Shut Down.....redux

   It seems once again, Congress is threatening or allowing bi-partisan bickering to impede with Government operation.  I honestly think the States can handle their affairs ( competently ) during the interim.  I am telling you here....Congress will NOT receive pay, either before, during or immediately following a Government shut down.  We have Senators proclaiming to be embarrassed.  What would they proclaim if money ceased to be deposited into their bank accounts?  Unjust! Unfair!! Impossible!!!  With an approval rating hovering at or below 20%, can anyone in Congress truly expect to be re-elected??  Don't let it happen.  Do your research....see exactly what Congress has and has not done.  If they cannot instill them out.  Around 400 views in the firstfew weeks...thank you very much!  Much more to come in future posts.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Original political parties, the "haves" and "have nots"

    Hello friends,

  Here are the two original political a nutshell.  There were two parties. The Federalists were wealthy business owners.  The Democratic-Republicans were mostly farmers.  The "haves" and "have nots".
  I have looked around our political structure going back many years, and if I were to classify our "main" body would be Federalist.  Not Democratic, Republican, Independent or any number of other political parties.  Our political system has been bought and paid for by big business, outside interests and yes, even the taxpayer dollar.  I truly wish I could run for President bring the voice of the common man ( person ) to the top of the political ladder.  If only.  I know many people adhere to one party or the other.  I wonder if I could re-create the Democratic-Republican party....the party that represented the people.  My voice would be your voice, amplified.  What is good for Americans will be good for our friends all over the world.  I am watching with interest what is occurring in Russia, with current Prime Minister Putin ( former President ), looking to become President again.  I hope every one have a terrific day and a finish to the month of September!!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Scheduling change.......

  So far, while deployed, I have had a fluid schedule to write on my blog and get information  out there.  We are going through some changes....late in the game and my schedule has gotten a  little less predictable. I will get back to posting meaningful blogs as soon as I am able. Going to try and add a picture here....if successful, I will be able to post videos and pictures as this blog matures and we get closer to the actual election. Thank you much!  The photo is from my lovely bride and I!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

New blog " Gadgets " FYI

   Hello everyone,

  I am pleased to see a few comments here and there, and also to see that the views are consistantly going up.  They will go up faster, if everyone would re-share the blog....although I realize that receiving 4 years of "political" stuff may be too much to bear....realize this isn't so much a political blog....yet.  It's more a blog about me and what I hope to see transpire in 2016. The first hurdle is to create or join a party and get on the ballot...ha ha.

  I added some features to the blog.  The first is the email tracker. You can submit your email address and my blogs will automatically be sent to your email in the future...Cool huh?  Secondly, I added a views tracker, to the right of the top post for the when you arrive at the page...thats you....#345, or #3456....maybe will offer a prize to my 1,000,000th viewer. What do you think?   Third, I added a poll question at the bottom of the page. These will be basic questions, that are only posted to the blogsite.  Do me a favor and scroll down and vote. Each poll only lasts a week.  You can even comment and submit a question for future polls if you want.  Just send me a comment. Thanks everyone for a great month so far!!!!  Remember....sharing is caring!! 

Experienced politicians.....huh?

  I read an article in a newspaper that read, to the effect..." Americans vote for experienced politicians ".  I had to take a step it.  The article was comparing Democrats to the GOP.... with the GOP being conservative and Democrats being "experienced ".  Assuming  that Americans voted for experienced politicians in the last several elections, then we can assume that Americans voted FOR the huge deficit, they elected to LOSE their jobs and they unilaterally believed that their elected officials would create a wonderful Health Care system for all.  I try not to assume and hope that the previous sentences are Orwellian in thought only.  I am not saying I could have prevented any of these things from occuring....but I am saying that I would have seen the signs earlier...I would not have listened to advisors that said " everything will be ok " and I would have reacted quicker in the face of stalled government and loss of finances that affected more than a million soldiers and their families.  How experienced do you have to be to see the warning signs and act upon them?  Obviously less experienced than the folks that have taken this country to the lowest point since, perhaps, the Great Depression.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Friends, here, there and everywhere

  In all of the countries I've been, I have made at least one friend. In the military; where we have all nationalities and colors and religions I am happy to say that all the soldiers are my friends.  It doesn't matter if they are Marine, Air Force, Navy, Coast Guard or Reservist. They are my extended family, if you will. 
   It is easier to make friends, than to endure hate or mis-trust.  It is easier to cultivate friendship, than to keep others at arms distance.  We need more people to be proactive. I remember seeing something to the effect of " R.A.K" on a bumper sticker and asked the owner of the car what it meant.  He said " it stands for Random Acts of Kindness ".  I say " R.A.K. all the way".  If you believe that it's easier to be friendly than mean, please pass this on.

Missed times.....last 18 years.....

  Due to Active duty and deployments I have missed seeing family and friends for the following :

I have spent at least 15 of the last 18 birthdays, somewhere other than home or with family.
I have missed 10 Christmas's.
I have missed my 10 year and 20 yr High School re-unions.
I have missed seeing my niece and nephew.
I have missed numerous family re-unions.
I have missed my new wife, our pups and our home since February.

I am sure there are many more events that I have missed...families and friends birthdays also.  I am doing well though, as I get closer to retirement, and closer to pushing forward with my campaign.  Thank you all for reading, and pass along to friends.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Let's educate.....

  I had the priveledge of doing some research regarding schools....and beneficiaries of State Lotto.  As early as the 70's, legislators wanted to pass bills that " put money from Lotto sales into the education system ".  Par for course, all of the bills were defeated.  In the 30+ years since, Lotto is in all but a few states. Amazingly enough, those states without Lotto have the lowest state tax.  Most states do put a percentage of the money from sales into education ( between 5-18% ), it is more obvious that much of the money is going into the states " general fund ".  Having a relative that has taught for several years and earned his doctorate is beneficial and I hope he will add some comments to this post.  I know for fact that he spends hundreds, if not a few thousand dollars each year, JUST to ensure that the CHILDREN have basic supplies...for art and other projects.  Our work force and education will be two areas I will research the most, as they are and continue to be, the hottest issues we face.  Thank you much!! 

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Gathering thoughts....

  I need to take a day, maybe gather my thoughts in regards to what I can and cannot blog about.  Still being in the militray and posting things about current state of affairs is ok....posting things about the ineptitude of current government is not. Posting about my life and qualifications to become president is ok....posting about how broken our welfare system is and how none of the billions of dollars is accounted for is not.  It is a fine line and in some cases, a conflict of interest.  I will do my best to write clearly and involve as much as I can ( that involves us, as Americans ).  Be patient...I will be retiring after 20 years, in early 2013.  That will give me more than two full years to truly say what I feel, and offer my suggestions that will lead to a more accountable government and a more prosperous America!  Thank you.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Jobs...America needs them, but who has them?

    It was obvious awhile back, that companies were tightening their belts and laying folks off by the thousands. Not only the huge faceless corporations, but smaller companies too.  We need jobs, but who has them?  I can think of nearly 11 million jobs in the U.S.....but, alas, they are taken and most Americans would opt to do anything else other than pick fruit or do janatorial work.  Just saying...there are jobs out there.  Instead of borrowing more money, to try and create jobs for a select few, or find ways to allow corporations to squeeze past tax laws...yet again, we should really see what other options are on the table.  I can think of several thousand jobs that would be created....just by telling companies in the U.S. that their service reps will be in the U.S., and their 24/7 techs, will be in the U.S.  Nothing has been more aggravating to me than calling a 1-800 number for tech support, and having someone on the other end of the line, who is thousands of miles from me and can barely string 3 words together without me asking for them to "say that again".   America needs to take ownership of itself.  The jobs are out there.....but with seemingly endless unemployment or welfare, who's looking?  

Monday, September 19, 2011 for all

   I was pleased the other day..when I noticed that my blog had been viewed, at least once by folks in S. America, Europe and Russia ( which according to Wikipedia, is also Europe ).  I have travelled all over the world and found that most countries have adopted English as the language that they conduct business and possibly most political dealings ( hence the need for translators at Summits ).  English, by and far, is probably one of the most difficult languages to learn, and use effectively....just ask me...I have been writing and speaking English for over 40 years now. 
   I was fortunate enough to have a teacher in the 5th grade, who taught ( or tried to teach us ) one Russian word every day.  He was also the teacher that took a select group of us spelunking as a treat for doing well in class, and likely being able to retain some of the words we were learning.  What was great....was when I deployed to Bosnia, nearly 30 years later, I retained enough of the language to make friends in Croatia, Bosnia and we bantered back in forth in Slavic ( Cyrillic ) and English.  I learned French in High School, from Mr. H....and took the course for 2 years because it was... 1) A requirement and 2) The only language offered at Tenino High School.   I studied on my own, how to speak Deutsch...which helped when I was stationed in Germany for 3 years in the mid 90's.  I took a trip to Metz France in 1998....unfortunately, even knowing the language didn't prevent the towns folk from treating me as an outsider. 
   I feel above all, out of respect for the nation you are visiting, one should know at least a little of the host language.  I am hoping to not only visit many fine people in America prior to the election, but also our friendly allies all over the world. 
   Please continue to pass this on, so we can reach many more countries.  I am hoping to have 100 countries visit my blog and over a million page views before the middle of 2012.  It is a lofty goal, yes....but we make no progress with low goals!!  Thank you every one!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Restful Day, September 18 2011

  It has been a good day thus far....can't remember when I had a particularly bad day.  My hopes and dreams for America will be the longest journey iv'e taken....farther than the 12 mile road marches ( combined ) and the multiple flights to and from war zones ( and I don't even get frequent flier miles )...ha ha.  I am hoping that readership for my blog grows over the course of weeks, months and they will document the story of a mere mortal and the journey to the highest office in America.  Eventually, I will be adding videos to the blog, as well as pertinant links to informational sites.  I am hoping everyone takes the time to really read them.....considering how many times I have to...just to proof read....only to find today that there is a button here that I need to press once, and poof, the proof reading is if it would only auto correct.  Maybe that last part is not a good idea, considering what sentences my phone used to make when I used auto correct when texting. Too funny.  Today is a good sit back, relax and let the music wash over you.  Have a great day everyone....and remember...  Trevor M Dodge for President in 2016!!!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Will DONATE 25% of pay , as president...will Congress?

  You heard it here first.... I aver, or avow, a full 25% of my pay as president will go towards VA support and my local communities Food Banks ( Thurston and Mason Counties in WA ).  The only exception would be if Congress held my pay as they have in the past as a soldier. I dare, no I DOUBLE DARE, any member of Congress to donate 25%  of their pay. I would be amazed if even ONE of them offered to donate 5% to their local community.  Spread the word folks, there is a new kind of leadership coming along that is going to put politicians to task. I will lead the way, where others have dared not trod. I will give til it hurts and still pay taxes myself. No one, I repeat, NO ONE, is above the law. Please share this blog with friends and family....let's share it with the world. Imagine a leader that cares more for people than his share of Big Oil, or how well the autobiography will sell. Let's get the ball rolling!!!  I can't wait to hear their response.....more likely to hear crickets chirping.    I forgot to add earlier, that I will continue to donate, even after presidency.  It is so difficult to see so much money leaving our country as our poor suffer and our hungry suffer.  Help me help them and re-post if you believe!  Thank you all!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Which Party? If you lean left, can you be right?

   Talked with a friend the other day, and off the record explained some of my views...more specifically , immigration and welfare.  After explaining my views, he calmly stated that I was leaning a little to the right. And I thought that was because my left leg is 1/32nd in. longer.  Ginger, we need to invest in some shims!!

   Honestly though, if you look online at all the parties in the US, you will find very few, if any, that don't lean one way or the other. Also, knowing that Congress is either dominantly Democrat or dominantly Republican, very little gets done without a lot of debate. If it's a Dem. bill, the GOP slams it or delays it. If it's a GOP bill, the Dems respond in kind.  Really idiotic, if you ask me.  Most Americans are weary of the "Independent" stigma, as being against Dems and Republicans. Either way I go, I wouldn't be against one or the other and I sure as heck would only be against delaying bills that would certainly help your average American, and or military. Be sure to read and re-post or share, especially if you agree. Thank you!!!

Highs and Lowes.....ooooops, meant Lows.

  Well....will keep this simple.  Two of the greatest things that have happened, thus far in my life are getting married to my wonderful wife Ginger ( in Sept of 2010 ) and us getting our beautiful house and puppies in Shelton ( in Feb 2010 ).  Some of the worst things that have happened...ugh.  Here we go.
  1.  Voluntarily leaving The Home Depot in Jan 2011.  I wasn't trying to get promoted before my most recent deployment....I wanted a daytime position so that I could spend more quality time with my new wife before I deployed for a year.  Management did me no favor by not telling me why I didn't get the position to which I applied. That , in itself, is against the law. I gave the management of my store approximately a month ( Dec 15th 2010 - Jan 1st 2011 ) to attend to my requests. Needless to say, they made no attempt to rectify the situation and they lost a knowledgeable long term employee.
  2.   Finding out in the short span of 6 months, that the Fed. Gov't withheld my pay ( once in April 2011 ) and nearly again in August.  The first was when Congress debated the Governments fiscal calendar for 2011, and narrowly passed the measure at the 11th hour. This impacted the pay for more than 1.5 million active and reserve soldiers. Believe me, and I am only one of them, that the prospect of not getting paid, having a house and wife was scary.

  There have been many more good things and few more not so good, but believe me...the good are the best!!!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

War....what is it good for? Besides a deep tan? Pt 4 of the life!!

 Catchy title, yeah? Alrighty, let's finish the military portion of this.  I joined the Wa. Army Nat'l Guard in 2000, assigned to 81st Bde, Service Battery 2-146 FA. Deployed with them in 2003 for 18 months. Notable was the awesome befriending of a Bedouin family ( or 3 ).  More on that later if needed. After 6 awesome years with Field Artillery, I joined the 66th TAC at Ft Lewis, assigned to E co, 1-168 GSAB ( General Spt. Aviation Bn ). I deployed with them for 12 months in 2007, and again in 2011 ( oh....that's now ).  Still with a great bunch of troops here in the sand and looking forward to going home again. So.....currently at 18 years and 4 months. Now to head on back to April 2000....that's when I joined the Guard....I also began working for The Home Depot. Made some good friends there, but left the company in January of 2011. Would write more on that, but feel that a rant on a blog to become president may not be.....prudent.  I am currently a Staff Sergeant, hoping to finish my schooling and make Sergeant First Class ( E-7 ) or go to school and become a Warrant Officer to finish my career in the military. Any questions about any of my blogs or the information contained herein, don't hesitate to leave a comment, but realize that I can't write publicly regarding deployments.  Next up are my highs.....and lows. Will cover stuff in and out of the military.  Thanks for reading, and please pass this on, so more folks can see the build up to the presidency!!!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Going to fast forward through years of service.....Life Pt. 3

 I spent three years at Ft Stewart GA, spending most of my time either in the field or in the Mojave Desert at a place called Ft Irwin. I left Ft Stewart in Oct. 1993. My next duty station was Ft Lewis WA. Home for me. I gained my hard stripes there ( SGT stripes ) and left with an Army Commendation Medal en route to my next duty station. Mannheim GE, home of the 51st Trans Company, would be my next duty station. I began studying the language 3 months before actually getting there, and let me helped.  I arrived in GE, in Dec. of 1996. Cold...bitterly, but a great group of soldiers, and a mission when the roads thawed. Shortly after arriving, I became an Army Motor Vehicle Instructor, training soldiers in Europe how to drive the largest vehicles the Army had to offer....the M1074 P.L.S. and the M1070 H.E.T. aka "The super Het". Got to see a lot of Europe and made some great friends there. On veterans day, November 11th 1999, I left the Active Army. While I was deployed to Bosnia in 1997 and 1998, the rear support element had lost or misplaced my paperwork to become a linguist. I wanted that position and to continue my schooling, but they couldn't provide it.  I spent a few months with a reserve Army unit, to complete my 8 year obligation.  END PT 3

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

My life Pt 2

  I want to ensure reader's and my friends and family, that they will be included at the conclusion of this series. I had so many friends and family that ultimately shaped my future.... too many to name now. Also, will use initials so as to not put your lives up for grabs, so to speak.
  Let's see, I left off at the recruiter's phone calls.  It just so happened that when I went to meet with the recruiter, I was out of work.  I made quick work of dissecting his "3 hots and a cot" and " You won't deploy " speeches.  Finally got him to tell the truth, and got down to business. I scored 129/130 on the Army's aptitude test and had passed their version of a linguistics test.  Many , many options for options lay in front of me. Unfortunately, being out of work....I leaned towards the Military Occupational Specialty of 88M ( Transportation Specialist ) because of it being the M.O.S. that I could join soonest. I remember driving home and seeing both my brothers and mom.  Didn't take me long to announce that I had joined the Army. What was harder, was telling them that I would be leaving for my Basic Training and Advanced Individual Training soon....weeks.  Was a surprise for everyone I think.  I left in August of 1992 for Ft. Leonardwood, Missouri.  Didn't take long to re-name it misery.  I was the oldest member of my platoon at 22 yrs and 4 months, and it didn't take the other soldiers long to lean on me for support and advice. 
   I left Ft. Leonardwood in December of 1992 and went home for two weeks before my flight to my first active duty station...Ft. Stewart GA.  It was December and I had never been that far south.  After leaving the plane, I soon realized that I was overdressed. It was 86F with around 95% humidity. Thus began, what would become, my military life.  END OF PT 2

Monday, September 12, 2011

New Blog direction until I can Go " Live": My Life Pt. 1 easier direction for now, for I have lived what I am about to type ....basically my life. Will keep it simple and leave out the usual Army acronyms. I was born, a bit early, in Apr of 1970. I had lung problems and was club footed.  Remember the leg braces from "Forrest Gump"? Yeah, I wore the same things, and if my mom tells it correctly, I used to howl, as the screws were tightened, forcing my legs back into alignment.  Not going to bore with the usual details....but did grow up during the Cuban Missile Crisis and  the end of the Vietnam War. Did very well in high school, finished with a 3.98 or so GPA, and had an affinity for math and science. I went to Pacific Lutheran University and managed about a year and finished with 28 credits. Would have stayed longer if not for the staggering cost of a private university. Starting in 1989, I worked for 3 years at Brigg's Nurseries, a horticultural wealth of knowledge. In 1992, I drove my younger brother Mike to Olympia to take the ASVAB test; a requirement for all Juniors or Seniors in high school.  Not wanting to be bored, I took the test as well...again. Within a week, I received a call from an Army recruiter.  END PT. ONE

Fiscal responsibility, 30 seconds or less

    In America we have witnessed many remarkable events in just the last several years. Savings and loan fiasco's, bailouts that could have been scripted in crayon and wild bi-partisan bickering regarding the Governments finances and  most recently, the choice to raise the debt ceiling rather than default on outstanding loans. Is it then wise to present a bill to Congress asking for $447,000,000,000 ( that's Billions ) regarding our out of work labor force? I read the proposals, and in simple terms, there was not enough meat on the bone to justify handing over that kind of cash, especially considering where the cash may come from.....worries me, but also wasn't explained efficiently in the proposal. Be careful what you wish for...or vote for, you may be stuck with your decision for four years.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

September 11th , we shall never forget

  This morning we ran. We ran 3 miles with our individual assigned weapons. I hadn't properly hydrated the night before, and struggled during the run....but I finished. The run itself didn't remind me of today, and it's significance in world events. On that most terrible day, I finished work and returned home to see the second showing of the first plane strike....then, after yelling to my mother Katy, that the United States was under a terrorist attack, I sat in stunned silence watching the TV. As terrible as it was, I couldn't look away. The images of the planes strikes, the fires, the innocent people jumping out of windows in the face of certain fiery death. The images of the Fire Fighters, and INTO the burning buildings to save those who they didn't know....and never returning. Honestly, all I need to do to remember that fateful day is close my eyes. I pray for the fallen on that day and every soldier that has given the ultimate sacrifice. Bless you America and all my friends.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Two undeniable truths

  As I tried to get to sleep last night ( it's currently 4:35am ) , I kept seeing the same thing. Me, speaking to voters in Olympia, then again in Portland, and so on through California, Nevada....etc. An updated twist to the whistle-stop campaigns of old...I was driving. A common thread was the start of each speech, as written here: " Hello, I am Trevor Dodge, and I am running for president of the United States in 2016. I have two undeniable truths to tell you now. First, the chance of you meeting another presidential candidate in this setting is slim to none. Second, any time you hear another candidate say " We will, or I will " know that they are lying....only because as candidates, we can only tell you with certainty, what we HOPE to accomplish. <  While original "whistle stop tours" happened often at the turn of the 19th century, Ronald Reagan used it last in Oct. 1984, travelling approximately 120 miles through Ohio. My road trip will cover at least one stop in each of the lower 48 states and hopefully a trip to each Alaska and Hawaii to talk with the voters. >

Thursday, September 8, 2011

20th of January 2012 , My " GO " Day.

  Well, it seems far off, but not so far. January 20th 2012, the day someone is chosen by the electoral college and inaugurated. January 20th is also the day I can "GO" full force with my "campaigning" and letting America know what I hope to accomplish. Will cover everything that needs to be covered and anything the people want covered.  

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

A person for the people

 In the past week, I have looked and looked again. I must admire the earliest presidents, creating a Government, above anything else, for the people. George Washington was a surveyor and planter before becoming the General of the United Colonies and finally our first President. After he was president, he became a planter ( of cherry trees? ) and re-joined the military as Lieutenant-General of all the U.S. Armies. I began thinking, all these years later, how many of our past presidents were truly representative of the people.....When you subtract all the silver spoons, and subtract individual state governors, and the vice presidents....stardom ( sorry Bonzo ) are left with Zachary Taylor, Ulysses S. Grant and Dwight D. Eisenhower ( also Army Chief Of Staff ) whose lives were almost entirely military. Did that make the last 3 any better suited to lead the free world? I can't say "no".  I would like to consider myself , now and always, one with the people. I have felt the pain of the recession and housing market crash. I have bitten my lips over the sickening mis-handling of funds and finance....silent no more.

Beautiful Days

 It is always a beautiful day to wake up, take a breath of fresh air and know you live in the greatest country in the world.....well, I may not be there now....but am there in spirit. This deployment has allowed me to look beyond the mundane, and look forward to the future, unlike I have ever seen it before.  Each day brings me closer to reaching many more people, as I focus my attention to what most Americans are thinking about. This blog will go full bore into presidential prep and sustenance after the 2012 January elections. I will be keeping you informed of progress.  To those who read the blog and pass it on, thank you much. Still very early, but now is the time to get folks' attentions.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Can't please everyone

  It is obvious, long before I even get my name on the ballot, that no matter what happens in government, you can't please everyone.  Most of the time it is us who are not pleased. The failed health care, government preparing to default on it's massive loans. Those who are pleased....banks and auto industries that the gov't bailed out; big business that garners tax incentives and pays pennies while failed CEO's parachute away with untold millions; current politicians who have their hands in the pockets of every American while coddling to Big Business. If Corporations are people, then we should tax them as such. If we initiated a 10% flat tax, across the board, taking less from average Americans and more from those who have not been paying, there would be more money coming in to pay our Gov't's debts, and we wouldn't need to withhold soldiers pay and threaten veteran programs...just to name a few programs facing the axe with our current administration. We need to keep big business away from Government and out of politicians pockets.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

First blog.....running for president in 2016

 This is new to me....blogging.  What began my push towards the presidency?  Could be numerous. Topping the list was the fact that , as a soldier, my money ( while deployed ), was held in limbo by the Fed. Govt, not once, but 3 times since my deployment began in 2011. Then , while there was still turmoil on Capital Hill, presidential hopefuls and incumbents were stuffing their pockets with donated cash for the upcoming election. Obama had been given already 100 MILLION DOLLARS for his re-election campaign, and we weren't halfway through 2011.  The government has removed God from schools and are hoping to get God removed from our coins and bills ( eventually ).  I want to remove big business from Govt and am pretty sure I can run a decent campaign for a whole lot less.....will be keeping tabs on every penny of my campaign over the next 4 years, leading up to 2016.  Wish me luck.