
Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Government what?

Hello all,

  At the 11th hour...quite literally, the Republicans sat with head in hands because they knew their chances at re-elections or future take overs in the House or Senate died with the closure.

  At best, systems are up and running and my VA claim for disability may actually move forward, albeit slowly, as the VA still has the same backlog before the closure.

  In the last three weeks I have seen so many post a photo of Amendment 28 and dreams of what may come.

  Since I can't find an official reference to the Amendment, I shall paraphrase. " Congress shall pass no law that applies to everyone except themselves ". Yadda yadda, etc, ad infinitum.

  It took Congress over 80 years to pass S.2038. In short, it prohibits members of our Legislature from profiting from Insider Trading. The full text follows in the hyperlink.

 If elected in 2016, I KNOW OF A WAY to make Amendment 28 a reality. It is really quite simple. An executive order. Except that Executive Orders can only be applied to Laws already in existence. 

  Here is where S.2038 comes into play. Since it is a Law that already limits what Legislators can do ( Insider Trading has been Illegal for a long time ), an Executive Order can be attached to not only limit their supposed powers, but make them like us. Even as far as requiring them to purchase their own Health Care and an addendum that prohibits Lobbyists from occupying any area within miles of our Capital. 

 Anyone with me yet? If not, I should hope so soon. The next Federal Election is in 2016 and I may be the only Candidate with the cojones to make this happen.

Let me know your thoughts or if you are certain that the Supreme Court could reverse this decision.

 Thanks all.

Trevor M Dodge

Sunday, October 13, 2013

The unknown cost of the Government Shut Down.....Part One

Hello folks,

 I didn't seem to receive any criticism recommending that House Speaker Boehner find a nice warm place in hell. The following posts may enlighten people as to why that would be so deserving.

 A lot of folks believe that that the shut down hinged on changes to ObamaCare, also known as The Affordable Care Act. The House Speaker attached a laundry list of demands to the Bill requesting changes and/or a repeal of the A.C.A. A few of his demands include:

1. Adoption of House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan’s tax-reform plan 2. Construction of the Keystone XL pipeline 3. More offshore oil drilling 4. More drilling on federally protected lands 5. Looser regulations around ash coal 6. A suspension of the Environmental Protection Agency’s regulation of carbon emissions 7. More power over the regulatory process in general 8. Reform of the federal employee retirement program 8. Changes to the Dodd-Frank Act 9. More power over the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s budget 10. Repeal of the Social Services block grant 11. Expanded means-testing for Medicare benefits 12. Repeal of the public health trust fund and more.

The cost of this fiasco? Huge.

 More than 800,000 jobs lost or furloughed. Delayed Social Security and VA benefit payments. National parks areas closed. What can we do as a Nation? Vote out the offenders that created this. Can't blame the President or vote him out. He's lame duck, in his 2nd term and cannot , by law, be re-elected. I am looking very closely at the Majority Republicans in the House and Senate. 

 I am Independent. I once though I leaned a bit toward Democrat, but have no affiliation with either Major party. More on this development as it slowly continues.

Trevor M Dodge

Friday, October 11, 2013

Mr Boehner....try and keep a stiff upper lip

An open letter to Speaker J. Boehner

  Mr. Boehner. You will receive no accolades or gentile introduction from me. You underhandedly tried to ransom the Government to your benefit and further put, We The People, at risk. Had I been President, I would have tried you and your ilk ( The Tea Party, etc ) in Superior Court for Treason and you would have either been shot or hanged. Had I televised such an event, I can be certain of two things. One. The country would be better off. Two. The televised event would garner more views than any or all combined episodes of "Duck Dynasty".

  I have absolutely nothing positive to say to you. It is bad enough that my VA Claim is further buried due to the shut down and furloughs, but now you suspend payments to widows of my fallen Comrade? Despicable. You truly do suck!

  I can only hope that there is room in hell for you, right next to the lawyers, lobbyists, CEO's and whichever Demon has inhabited Miley Cyrus.


An American and Patriot
SSG Trevor M Dodge ( ret )

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

What's GLOVE got to do with it?

  Howdy folks,

  Been rather busy lately. Not too busy to have erred somewhat in my recent purchase of gloves.  While in our local Ace Hardware store, I spied some gloves called Mad Grip. It was some form of latex glove with mesh so the hands can breathe. The fit was good. The cost was $12 plus change which seemed a bit high. On the card that held the gloves it boasted " 10 times more durable than latex dipped gloves ". I was sold. Below are two photos. The top photo is of the left hand Mad Grip glove after 2 hours of work ( more on that later ). The second photo is of my normal use latex dipped Atlas Extra glove after a week of work. Before I post the photos I will tell you what I told the folks at Mad Grip. I work in a plywood mill and sometimes handle panels and occasionally band units of plywood ( using 5/8th plastic banding ). Here are the two gloves.

 I sent a rather angry comment to the Mad grip folks calling BS on their claims that their gloves were 10 times better than regular latex gloves. Let's see. $12 for their gloves and less than $6 for the Atlas gloves. I did get a response back. Below is part of that response.

   Our claims are based on abrasion testing done in a certified laboratory in order to obtain a CE certification.  We have data on it, but of course every application presents different challenges on wear and tear.

Later, I emailed photos ( the same as you see ) and told the representative of my work. This was their response.

  This is interesting and very unusual feedback.  I am wondering if it may be because of the grip itself.  Maybe the gloves are grabbing onto the panels so much so that the panels are literally taking pieces of the rubber off with the friction.  Any thoughts on this?  I am very sorry you have had a bad experience with our product.

I think that their glove ( or any glove ) would last longer if they were used once a week for gardening or if used by a singer that danced and only grabbed his junk. The last email was the terminus of our communication. If I had at least kept the receipt from Ace Hardware I could have taken them back and had my money returned. What am I left with? An expensive set of shredded gloves that may bode well to just cut the fingers off and make an expensive finger-less glove.

 After all this, am I advising you against the Mad Grip glove? Not at all. If you find them on them. If you find them for less than $6, buy them. If they are given to you, keep them. Just saying don't use them too much, or at the very least, for two hours in a plywood mill or you will be disappointed.

Trevor M Dodge

Friday, June 7, 2013

Hey Washington DC, Need Money? Let Texas secede .

 This may be late in saying, since Texas and Texans have wanted to secede from the Union for years ( depending on who is President ). I say to them..."Go Ahead".  Why might I say that? Money. Here's what I propose to bring our country back from the brink of bankruptcy.

 1. Let Texas secede from the Union.
 2. Mandate that the now foreign State must have it's entire population of near 27 Million apply and pay for passports, that will be needed, even to travel to bordering States in the Union.
 3. Tax all roads leading into or out of Texas. Toll Booths.
 4. Gone will be Federal Assistance ( Welfare ) for Texans.
 5. Gone will be Federal Aid in case of disaster, unless the U.N. Counsel recognizes Texas as a valid State or Country. 

  Five simple steps and a lot of money saved ( or brought in ). 

 If I were still running for President, I would encourage each State to secede. Sounds crazy I know, but only in that circumstance could we finally get rid of what ails America; our Congress, Legislators and Lobbyists.

 With me or not, this is an opinion piece. 

Have a good weekend!

Trevor Dodge

Monday, May 27, 2013

Blue......Velvet roll.

Hello all,

 This will be totally non-partisan baking here. Everyone has heard of Red Velvet Cake...yes? If not, you can check Bing or Google images. Quite a nice dessert for sure.

 Enter the world of twisted pumpkin rolls and a quite different dessert presents itself. I call it The Blue Velvet Roll ( no pumpkin added ). 

  The reason that the frosting is brown is because we added the required bakers chocolate to the frosting and not the roll itself. The reason we did that is because if you add the chocolate to the roll, you need to add nearly a full ounce of artificial color to get beyond the brown. The way we did it, it required only 1/16th of an ounce or about 30 drops of color. 

 We are planning to make Green Velvet rolls for next years St Patrick's Day festivities.

 I can only guarantee that you will not find any desserts like these in a Betty Crocker recipe book. For now...mine is blue.

Presenting 'Blue' by Eiffel 65

Trevor Dodge

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

So....the news shows the worst....always.

  Hello everyone,

  I could re-state all the bad news we have heard on the televisions, radio and newspapers....or, I could share with the world, my world, of pumpkin rolls. Why not? I'm not running for president anymore. I should be allowed an 'over the top' shameless plug for something I created. Thanks. Read on. Or better yet, click the link and "like" the page.

  I made my first pumpkin roll dessert way back in October of 2012. Okay, a little embellishment is allowed. Thanks again. Since that time, with help from family and friends ( for flavor ideas ) , we now have 16 custom flavors of pumpkin roll. Really? YES. Each flavor starts as a traditional pumpkin roll dessert.....then the extras are added. Chocolate for some, fresh fruit for others. It can get pretty crazy in the kitchen for sure!

The first photo is our now famous Pistachio Pineapple pumpkin roll just before the addition of the pineapple chunks and re-roll. Yum.

This one is the famous Pistachio Pineapple rolled up. Looks great!

This one is for adults only. It is our Rum Raisin pumpkin roll. The raisins are soaked in rum and not baked they retain the rum.

This was the first incarnation of the Rocky Road pumpkin roll. Has chocolate, marshmallows and peanuts.

We do pumpkin roll events at various far locally. With a pumpkin roll sample event we pair it with roll sales and raffles usually to benefit a family or something in the community. These events need around 14 to 16 pumpkin rolls.

This is our 'soon to be trademarked' Baconator pumpkin roll. Each roll has a half pound ( pre-cooked weight ) of bacon and some real good maple syrup stuff added to the frosting.

This is an example of a "sample" tray. The sample sizes are fairly small, but with 7 or more flavors to try...we don't want folks to fill up to quickly.

I forgot to add a link to my site:

 Our rolls are over two pounds each and can serve 16 people. Have a party coming up or just willing to try something different? We can deliver and ship within Washington far. Let your friends know about us too. Nearly half of our current list of 16 flavors has come from friends and family member ideas! Maybe yours will be next?

Thanks again,

Trevor Dodge

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

A New Blog Name....Not too much change.

 Hello everyone,

  If you haven't noticed by now, the name of the blog has changed. It now reads 'Trevor for President and King....of Pumpkin Rolls'.

 The main reason for the change is that I have recently decided to extend my military contract through 2017.  With that end, I will not be able to make the primaries and run for President of the United States in 2016.

  I do make a mean pumpkin roll and will occasionally post photos of my new flavors but this blog will not lose it's focus entirely. I will post relevant election news and links. Some times I will just post my thoughts. I will not berate my Commander In Chief, regardless of who they are. That will not stop me from letting you know how I feel about certain candidates.

  Maybe in 2017 I will yet re-name the blog to reflect a run for President in 2020. Anything is possible. I hope you stay along for the ride.

  Thank you much.

Trevor M Dodge

Saturday, March 23, 2013

May have to call it a day

Hello All,

  I read yesterday that President Obama traveled to Israel for the first time recently. To reassure them that we were steadfast Allies.
I admit I am now confused. We give Israel tons of cash and weapons, and will look the other way ( if and when ) they bomb Iran, Syria, Lebanon or any host of Muslim countries. We also give many of the other listed countries boatloads of cash too. My thoughts, using the theorem that (giving countries tons of money = Ally) is that our President should be visiting Syria, Lebanon and Pakistan ( to name a few ).

  I may just call it a day and forget that I started thinking that I could possibly change folks thoughts as to what their government does...and where the money goes ( Said money being yours and my tax dollars ). I posted last year that I would cease using the public's money for political posturing up to and including the pretense that your money is safeguarding America. Maybe Americans like it that way. Same as a new proposed gas tax. 

 Perchance I should ( if I can ) re-name this blog from "Trevor for President in 2016" to "Trevor the American Pumpkin Roll King".

  Too early as of today to definitively say that "I am done". I don't ask for revolt or rioting, but when most ( the 99% ) sit back and take it in the.....well, you get the picture. Dis-heartening to say the least. 

  I can guarantee that if I visited ALL the countries that the US gives a boatload of money too annually , I would visit EACH ONE only long enough to say " It's over, make your own money " and "Goodbye".  

  Have a good weekend all. Peace out.

Trevor M Dodge

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Campaign Financing 2013

 Hello all,

  Not going to bash Super Pacs again...or those particular candidates that have an endless river of cash with which to use for their campaigns. What have I? Barring another Power Ball loss, I have a home, a loving wife and some Boxers that will bat their eyes and be sweet one minute, or eat the food out of our bowls while we are busy for mere moments in another room. 

  I also have a passion for pastries. Not just any pastries. Pumpkin Rolls. Not just eating them....making them too. What follows is a shameless plug for my fledgling business, Trevor's Twisted Pumpkin Rolls.  Why are they twisted? Well, specifically, they aren't. It's all about the flavor. Currently, I have 13 flavors of Pumpkin Roll. Chocolate Raspberry, Rocky Road, Blueberry and the Baconator to name a few. 

  I am hoping to garner enough support and find folks that really like something different. I have been selling them locally and hope to have my license soon ( business license that is ).  

  So. Here is a link to my Pumpkin Roll Page. If you like them, stop in and like the page....nothing to buy and you won't be asked to contribute to my campaign. If you hate pumpkin rolls, like my page, since they only "look" like a pumpkin roll. The taste is out of this world.

  If you go to the page, scroll down and click the "about" tab. That will open a page that shows the flavors we make. Fun stuff and "thanks for your support".

Trevor M Dodge

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Flying the American Flag

Good day everyone,

  I hadn't intended to write a post today, but interesting enough, I saw something that needs addressing.

  There are petitions and surveys roaming the Internet, without limit and usually without any background checks. I received one such petition today. In a nutshell, it asks Lawmakers to create a Law allowing any U.S. Citizen to fly the flag with honor and not be hindered to do so.

  Anyone read about homeowners associations in Alabama or Texas that filed lawsuits against a homeowner because of their flag? Lawsuits have happened.  

  The following link is a pdf file and outlines US Law pertaining to the display of the American Flag. First written into Code in 1923, and updated as recently as 2005 and 2008.

  If the following link isn't a hyperlink, just copy and paste it into your browser.

  The following paragraph is taken directly from said pdf file.

Restrictions on Display of the Flag by 
Real Estate Associations

The Freedom to Display the American Flag Act of 2005
56 prohibits a
condominium, cooperative, or real estate management association from adopting or
enforcing any policy or agreement that would restrict or prevent a member of the
association from displaying the flag in accordance with the Federal Flag Code on
residential property to which the member has a separate ownership interest.

 Interestingly enough, many petitions ask for Congress to make Laws that would benefit only select folks...Veterans. That would be against the Law and even I would fight to repeal such a Law if it ever came into being. Laws cannot be created for one group and must be inclusive of ALL citizens.  

  Fly the Flag proudly, with honor...and properly.

  Thanks everyone. Have a great Weekend!

Trevor M Dodge

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Crazy daze ahead...the 113th Congress

  Hello all,

  I could talk about current and past tragedies, gun laws or even the weather...what it comes down to is whether or not Congress can pull it's head out of the "dark area " long enough to agree on anything, and the public's passion about issues that either directly or indirectly affect them. 

  First off. Find out more information than you see on FOX news. Please. FOX news is so biased and basically worthless, it is amazing that they have a following of any kind. Newspapers are a little better and it's in black and white, unless the comics are in color.

  Especially things posted online or sent by email will likely be slanted, "against" this or "for" that. Be wary and make up your own mind when it comes to important issues. Know your Legislators and Senators.  Know what they do...heck, know what they did before becoming a powerful member in your Government.

  At least in the diagram above you see a diverse group...sort of. All most see are 535 folks that are overly rich and either Democrat or Republican ( or Independent ).  I see only the largest Government waste among a group of 535 who are charged to work for the benefit of the People, yet can only bicker, disagree and withhold votes...thus, doing nothing.  

  Only by being proactive can we truly see what's going on and which direction, We The People must go in order to achieve some semblance of balance in our Government. Vote smarter, not harder.

  Have a great weekend everyone and see you next week, or sooner if Congress stonewalls some more.

Trevor M Dodge 

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Executive Orders.....take one.

Hello All,

  I have been looking at Presidential Executive Orders issued through both our present and past Presidents. While most are worthwhile, and surpass the BS usually passed by Congress, I will offer my own opinion and here starts my eventual Executive Orders.

Numero Uno:  My bad. We speak English. Number One:

  In times of Financial Strife in America, all Members of the Federal Government ( to include the Judicial, Legislative and Executive Branches ) earning over $75,000 per Annam shall have their holdings and earning withheld by 20% to ensure and aid the Economy and those of less fortune, to include those persons displaced by Companies that close and returning Veterans in time of need. 

  I would like to add more to this, much like Congressional folks like to turn in Bills in excess of 1,600 pages...yet it likely, that even in these simple words and terms, that Congress would VETO this....if they had the chance.

  The link above shows many of President Obama's Executive Orders issued in 2012.

  If you think his orders are better than my first one....listed above, then please disregard my blog and pray for a better future....on the moon.

  Grace, Peace and Solitude,

Trevor M Dodge

Friday, January 18, 2013

Time to talk turkey....or the impending gun issues.

  Hello all,

  Been slightly under the weather lately, but after seeing so much of 'this' and 'that' , I feel it is my duty, er civic responsibility to let you know how it is....or should be.

  If the shooter in Newtown Conn hadn't killed his mother, I would have held her criminally liable, since all the fire arms he used, belonged to her.

  Many years ago, when I entered Federal Service in the ARMY, I had the opportunity to fire the M16A1. That was the gun that last saw service in Vietnam and could fire full auto ( and empty a 30 round magazine in little more than a second ).  Also, I should note, that even a person with weapons knowledge would barely be able to hold a weapon like that on target while firing. It pulled up and to the right for me, and up and to the left on others.

  Do I feel that 'law abiding' citizens should be able to own an M16, AK47 or another type of machine gun that fires full auto?  No.

  Do I feel that 'Military and Veterans' should be able to own an M16, AK47 or another type of machine gun that fires full auto? No.

  It only takes one instant to go from peaceful to complete mayhem.
Who decides?  The gun owner, the seller.  The all-too-common " It's a collectors item ".  

  According to news stories, my 1863 ( replica ) Zouave Muzzle Loader is an "Assault Weapon" due to the fact it has a bayonet attachment. My Taurus Millennium 9, with a 15 round clip and 'pistol grip' would actually be more of an 'assault weapon".  

  I am not saying, nor is the government currently saying, " We are going to stomp all over your 2nd Amendment ", but, some weapons certainly don't belong in the hands of even an un-average Joe.

  I believe that we need better Mental Health Care, we need Better Registration Etiquette and we need better Accountability. 

  I hope everyone has a peaceful weekend. I will have some cold medicine and rest up for the week ahead!  Cheers!

Trevor M Dodge  

Monday, January 7, 2013

My happiest New Year

 Hello all,

  Got my computer back today which is small potato's compared to other news.

  First and foremost, today it was confirmed that I am a dad. I had a previous relationship that ended shortly before my enlistment in the Army.  Long story short, my daughter, after questioning her heritage, among other things...found me on Face Book. We caught up with her and her  partner on New Years Eve and I submitted a DNA test...not to hope and deny, but to affirm what I knew in my heart for so many years. I am a dad!  We have much to catch up on, but since Dec. 31st, we know she will be a welcome addition to our family!


  I make a mean pumpkin roll. Let me re-phrase that. I bake an awesome pumpkin roll.  I cannot sell them out of state or country yet, but took a regular recipe and literally turned it inside out. If you like the dessert or want to see what I've the link.

  I am in such good spirits right now.  Wow.  All is well.

Catch up again soon,

Trevor M Dodge

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

  Hello friends and readers,

 Not long ago, my computer was attacked by one of those virus that I warned about early on in my blog. The link was to a 'purported' new Anti Virus software of all things. Nothing is sacred. Hope to be back blogging soon.

  So much has happened recently that I couldn't possibly blog about everything so I will leave with this....

Sadness in Conn, Build Hope and look forward to Brighter Days. Fiscal Cliff .... avoided?  I harken back to days when voters held the real power and ability to affect legislation. Would be nice if we could return to those days.  Happy New Year! 

Trevor M Dodge