
Sunday, October 13, 2013

The unknown cost of the Government Shut Down.....Part One

Hello folks,

 I didn't seem to receive any criticism recommending that House Speaker Boehner find a nice warm place in hell. The following posts may enlighten people as to why that would be so deserving.

 A lot of folks believe that that the shut down hinged on changes to ObamaCare, also known as The Affordable Care Act. The House Speaker attached a laundry list of demands to the Bill requesting changes and/or a repeal of the A.C.A. A few of his demands include:

1. Adoption of House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan’s tax-reform plan 2. Construction of the Keystone XL pipeline 3. More offshore oil drilling 4. More drilling on federally protected lands 5. Looser regulations around ash coal 6. A suspension of the Environmental Protection Agency’s regulation of carbon emissions 7. More power over the regulatory process in general 8. Reform of the federal employee retirement program 8. Changes to the Dodd-Frank Act 9. More power over the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s budget 10. Repeal of the Social Services block grant 11. Expanded means-testing for Medicare benefits 12. Repeal of the public health trust fund and more.

The cost of this fiasco? Huge.

 More than 800,000 jobs lost or furloughed. Delayed Social Security and VA benefit payments. National parks areas closed. What can we do as a Nation? Vote out the offenders that created this. Can't blame the President or vote him out. He's lame duck, in his 2nd term and cannot , by law, be re-elected. I am looking very closely at the Majority Republicans in the House and Senate. 

 I am Independent. I once though I leaned a bit toward Democrat, but have no affiliation with either Major party. More on this development as it slowly continues.

Trevor M Dodge

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