
Saturday, March 23, 2013

May have to call it a day

Hello All,

  I read yesterday that President Obama traveled to Israel for the first time recently. To reassure them that we were steadfast Allies.
I admit I am now confused. We give Israel tons of cash and weapons, and will look the other way ( if and when ) they bomb Iran, Syria, Lebanon or any host of Muslim countries. We also give many of the other listed countries boatloads of cash too. My thoughts, using the theorem that (giving countries tons of money = Ally) is that our President should be visiting Syria, Lebanon and Pakistan ( to name a few ).

  I may just call it a day and forget that I started thinking that I could possibly change folks thoughts as to what their government does...and where the money goes ( Said money being yours and my tax dollars ). I posted last year that I would cease using the public's money for political posturing up to and including the pretense that your money is safeguarding America. Maybe Americans like it that way. Same as a new proposed gas tax. 

 Perchance I should ( if I can ) re-name this blog from "Trevor for President in 2016" to "Trevor the American Pumpkin Roll King".

  Too early as of today to definitively say that "I am done". I don't ask for revolt or rioting, but when most ( the 99% ) sit back and take it in the.....well, you get the picture. Dis-heartening to say the least. 

  I can guarantee that if I visited ALL the countries that the US gives a boatload of money too annually , I would visit EACH ONE only long enough to say " It's over, make your own money " and "Goodbye".  

  Have a good weekend all. Peace out.

Trevor M Dodge

1 comment:

  1. I can't understand how we can even "afford" to give money to other countries when we have soldiers' pay being frozen because of deficits and arguing over non-budgets?

