
Friday, October 11, 2013

Mr Boehner....try and keep a stiff upper lip

An open letter to Speaker J. Boehner

  Mr. Boehner. You will receive no accolades or gentile introduction from me. You underhandedly tried to ransom the Government to your benefit and further put, We The People, at risk. Had I been President, I would have tried you and your ilk ( The Tea Party, etc ) in Superior Court for Treason and you would have either been shot or hanged. Had I televised such an event, I can be certain of two things. One. The country would be better off. Two. The televised event would garner more views than any or all combined episodes of "Duck Dynasty".

  I have absolutely nothing positive to say to you. It is bad enough that my VA Claim is further buried due to the shut down and furloughs, but now you suspend payments to widows of my fallen Comrade? Despicable. You truly do suck!

  I can only hope that there is room in hell for you, right next to the lawyers, lobbyists, CEO's and whichever Demon has inhabited Miley Cyrus.


An American and Patriot
SSG Trevor M Dodge ( ret )

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