
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Day After Election and all through the House....

Hello everyone,

  I almost thought I should post yesterday...with it being Election Day and all, then thought better of it.  Mostly due to the fact I was at work when I heard that Incumbent President Obama had eclipsed the 270 Electoral votes needed to secure the office.  Later, it went up to 303 with 29 Electoral Voters undecided.  

  In other news, I sent an email last week to the VFW Headquarters asking if they could endorse me for President in 2016.  After all, I am a Lifetime Member ( in good standing ) of the VFW and a four time Deployed Veteran.  What more could they want in a candidate?

  One minor problem.  The Congressional Charter ( that basically established the VFW ) prohibits them from supporting any candidate.  I can see the logic in  With the millions of current Veterans, and many million past Veterans, I would be a shoe in for the Presidency in 2016....maybe.  Still have the College of Electorates to deal with...ugh.

  I do have a question for my readers out of State ( meaning Washington State ); where we still have to mail in ballots. 'X' marks the spot and no "hanging chads" and such.  We still have the option to "write in a candidate".  Do those of you with the new finagled digital voting machines have that option available?  I imagine they would have to since most 3rd, 4th and 5th ( and so on ) party members are rarely mentioned in the news, unless they are being arrested trying to "gate crash " a debate.

  With that being said.....

  And all through the House, arose such a clamor
As Seats became vacant because Voting does Matter.

Have a great week all!

Trevor Dodge, Presidential Hopeful 2016


  1. We have digital voting, and yes, we are able to write in a vote.

    1. Thank you Jane. Maybe I will will post a blog about the voting machines since they made National headlines when a Romney kid bought the company that makes them. Additionally, I am going to post about an MRE ( Meal Ready to Eat ) to determine what makes the foil wrapped sugar cookies patriotic...since that is how they are labeled.
