Has it been a week or week and a half since my last posts? I suppose I could check, but why? Everything is happening now.
After appeals from Red Cross to donate cash, so that the cash could be speedily sent to where it was needed most. With that being said, a big thanks to Mitt Romney for donating canned goods ( did anyone check the expiration dates ) in Ohio. I checked a few sites, and it seems that I did not see Ohio listed as severely damaged. I can tell you that Zanesville Ohio is still my favorite town outside of home....and that it still stands.
Okay, enough of Mitt for now. It was kind to donate food, but it will cost the emergency services even more to get it where it needs to be....New Jersey and the Eastern Sea Board States.
The multitude. Voters. We need more folks who are eligible to vote. Our friends have, most of my relatives have and many more votes are needed. Do we want change determined by a fraction of eligible voters or do want sincere change that each voter can feel they had a hand towards? I pick the latter. November 6th is the cut off for this election season. Do your part. Thanks.
Those farging fliers in the mail. Auto spell doesn't recognize the word "farging", so I will use the word "damned". Every political cycle, consumers and voters receive an abundance of what I like to call " fire starter ". The evil political ads, not usually from the candidates themselves, but groups "supporting" the opponents.
I pledge to you now! You will never receive a flier from me and if I see any fliers being mailed out there from folks who support me ( in the upcoming 2016 election ) or my re-election campaign in 2020...I will pay people to haul them away. I am hoping, now and in the next few years that this blog and word of mouth will help move mountains. You don't have to agree with 100% of what I say, just admit that the idea that a "regular guy" becoming President is slightly interesting and something to keep track of...for future reference of course. Have a great week, and weekend.
I will include a link to the American Red Cross if you are able to make a donation towards relief and recovery for the areas hardest hit.
Lastly, a photo you would not see of me, during one of the Nation's worst Natural Disasters...in Ohio no less.
Trevor M Dodge
One detail I read yesterday is that Mr Romney purchased the food stuffs from a local Ohio Walmart (admidst an active boycott by shoppers and workers), upwards to 5,000$ worth and used people to pose for pictures as if they were giving him the food to donate. With Mr. Ryan who posed for pictures of washing clean dishes in a food kitchen without permission (of which lost donations due to the establishment having to remain non-political)... these two have shown that they will step on who ever it takes to achieve their own personal goals (like prosperous business men). Is that who we really want to represent the US ? Businessmen DO NOT make good political leaders. They DO however make it possible for business and the private sectors to profit off of our needs.