
Monday, September 3, 2012

Why Mitt cannot win..try as he must.

  Hello reader's 

  I was going to do a blog posting on World Wide fuel costs, so that my friends ( mostly American ) would stop whining when our cost at the pump is $4.00 or little more.  I will save that for next time.

  All you need to know is that a Democrat will rule in the White House for another four years.  That bodes ill for Congress actually accomplishing anything, but bodes better for the Average American than having a Mitt ( Romney ).

  Why would I write this?

   It's bad enough that President Obama was never in the military and grew up with a somewhat silver spoon, but at least he has four years of accomplishments, both triumphs and failures to draw on as far as experience.

  Both Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan have, how do I say this.....suckled from the same political teat and have ZERO idea what it is like for those of us....Average Americans.

  Never mind Romney and his Millions in overseas accounts that he doesn't have to pay tax on, or the fact that he refuses to show the world his tax returns.   I have never received more than $2,500 dollars back on any tax return and that was after paying additional tax throughout the year to "boost" my tax return.

  But Mitt was a missionary.  That doesn't ring my bell and say that he is ready for the White House.

  I do not feel the need to apologize to my Republican friends for my view.  Remember.  I am Independent with a lean towards Republican...however, I will be voting Democratic in November.  With the Electoral College still in place, the election is all but over even now.  

  If I could spread one message.  If folks don't know how the Archaic Electoral College up on it, then refuse to vote in November.  I can guarantee a president will still be chosen.

Have a great Labor Day.


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