Today's post will be slightly EPIC, as far as the amount of information that I will be posting. As stated in the title, there are 33 job openings...and they are all in the Senate. To be Senator, you need only these requirements:
- at least 30 years old.
- a U.S. citizen for at least nine years at the time of election to the Senate.
- a resident of the state one is elected to represent in the Senate.
First, the list of Democrats/Independents retiring.
1. Joe Lieberman of Connecticut
2. Daniel Akaka of Hawaii
3. Ben Nelson of Nebraska
4. Jeff Bingaman of New Mexico
5. Kent Conrad of North Dakota
6. Jim Webb of Virginia
7. Herb Kohl of Wisconsin
Continuing list of Democrats/Independents seeking re-election
8. Dianne Feinstein of California
9. Tom Carper of Delaware
10. Bill Nelson of Florida
11. Ben Cardin of Maryland
12. Debbie Stabenow of Michigan
13. Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota
14. Claire McCaskill of Missouri
15. Jon Tester of Montana
16. Bob Menendez of New Jersey
17. Kirsten Gillibrand of New York
18. Sherrod Brown of Ohio
19. Bob Casey Jr. of Pennsylvania
20. Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island
21. Bernie Sanders of Vermont
22. Maria Cantwell of Washington State* Who received a loan in excess of 3 Million dollars in 2006 for her re-election campaign....a gross violation of campaign finances.
23. Joe Manchin of West Virginia
Republicans retiring:
24. Jon Kyl of Arizona
25. Kay Bailey Hutchison of Texas
Republicans seeking re-election:
26. Richard Lugar of Indiana
27. Olympia Snowe of Maine
28. Scott Brown of Massachusetts
29. Roger Wicker of Mississippi
30. Dean Heller of Nevada
31. Bob Corker of Tennessee
32. Orrin Hatch of Utah
33. John Barrasso of Wyoming
Hello all, this is another post that I apparently didn't publish to my blog. Originally written in December of last year.
Hoping to see many changes in the Senate, and Congress in general. Have a great day.