
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I discovered why voters....uh, hate to vote.

 Hello friends and readers,

  Perhaps I have deployed to often, or have lived within a County where excess voting doesn't occur...but over all...we vote too much.

  We vote for City Councils and proposals.

  We vote for Bond issues....from rebuilding a library to retrofitting a firehouse or police station or for extra funds to clean parks....the list goes on and on.

  We vote on Levy's to add an additional 15 cents per thousand dollars we owe on our homes, to our existing mortgages or however else they wish to collect the money.

  And, as if that isn't enough, we have State Primaries, Straw Polls , Congressional Votes ( for re-election or to toss aside like so much refuse....remember 33 jobs open this year ), the ever unpopular "Popular" Vote for the presidency....and if that weren't enough......

  The candy companies wish us to choose the new or popular color of M and M's.  It would realistically drive anyone who likes to support certain ideas and events to wither and cower at the thought of ....  yet, another Election.  This is just theory and is not yet proven....please don't post angry comments if these words don't describe you....or even anybody you know.  Have a great day everyone!!



  1. I think most older people (I include myself in that description) like to vote. It makes you feel like you did your duty as a citizen, and you are happy someone asked your opinion.

    I would say that reasons for hating to vote are:

    1. People are disenfranchised and believe their vote doesn't count.

    2. Some places make it hard to vote by changing the polling location, or redistricting so that you have to get to know different candidates, and find the right polling place.

    3. Some places make it hard to vote because even though they say they are "handicap accessible", they are NOT. I have to use a wheelchair, and it makes me mad that where I vote only has one handicap parking place, and it is not van accessible. It is embarassing when I go to vote and they have to move things around so that I can get to the room and booth. Then have to go out through a crowd because the exit is not accessible (3 steep steps that a lot of people don't use, but don't mind going out the in way because it isn't as hard.

    4, Candidates don't bother campaigning in your area, so you have to do what you can to get to know them. I live in a remote area of our County, and this past general election there wasn't even any signs within a couple of miles of my home. I always insist that my candidates go door to door. If you want to win, you have to wear out the shoe leather. How insulting to ask me to vote for you if you haven't even bothered to help me find out about you. As someone once said..."All politics is local".

    5. When you get to the polling place you have to "run the gauntlet" of candidates and their representatives. If I haven't figured out who I'm voting for by the time I get to the polls, there is seriously something wrong. I've even had someone ask me if I voted for them when I came out. My answer was NO (even though I did). It is none of their business, and in fact, they can't do this! PA law says they have to stay at least 50 fee from the polling place. I define that as the building...they define it as the voting booth!

    Just my opinion!


    1. Thank you Jane...your comment was spot on and I am sure it is likely more probable than the scenario I laid out. Unrelated, but I am now looking into the Super PAC's (Political Action Committees ) of the major parties. Allowed by Federal Justices and allowed to accept any amount of cash from a person...or a corporation..defined as person. Thanks again for a wonderful comment that helps keep the blog informed and interesting!!

    2. Not a problem, Trevor. I was hoping you didn't mind me sharing my opinion. As I said before, I'm an "old timer" at this campaign stuff, and I know there are a lot of things that need "fixin".

